

      恒星英语学习网     所属分类:C开头的英语单词     

      climb 是什么意思

      音标:[ klaim ]  

      过去式:climbed   过去分词:climbed   名词复数:climbs   现在分词:climbing   


      climb (up) a mountain [tree] 爬山[树]。 The sun has climbed the sky. 太阳已经高照。 climb aboard 〔美国〕上车。 climb down 爬下来;(从高位)退下来;断念,放弃(要求);让步,屈服。 climb into the square 〔美国〕爬上拳击台开始比赛。 climb into [out of] one's overalls 匆忙穿上[脱下]工作服。 climb on the band wagon 〔美国〕加入轰轰烈烈的运动;和群众共同行动。 climb over (a wall) 翻过(墙壁)。 climb the rigging 发脾气。 climb through the ropes 〔美国〕=climb into the square.climb to power 爬到掌权地位,掌权。 climb up 攀登,冒险爬。

      the act of climbing something; "it was a difficult climb to the top"

      an event that involves rising to a higher point (as in altitude or temperature or intensity etc.)
      同义词:climbing, mounting,

      an upward slope or grade (as in a road); "the car couldn''t make it up the rise"
      同义词:ascent, acclivity, rise, raise, upgrade,

      increase in value or to a higher point; "prices climbed steeply"; "the value of our house rose sharply last year"
      同义词:rise, go up,

      improve one''s social status; "This young man knows how to climb the social ladder"

      go up or advance; "Sales were climbing after prices were lowered"
      同义词:wax, mount, rise,

      go upward with gradual or continuous progress; "Did you ever climb up the hill behind your house?"
      同义词:climb up, mount, go up,

      move with difficulty, by grasping

      slope upward; "The path climbed all the way to the top of the hill"

      [Embraer ERJ 145] climbing


      You have to shift down to climb steep hills .

      Adventurous schoolboys climbed up them .

      The team climbed the north face of the mountain .

      Toglio and the others climbed up the far bank .

      He was tired when he got back from the climb ..

      Monkeys have a natural inclination for climbing ...

      She outfooted me in a climb up a hill .

      I like to go no picnics and climb mountains .

      It is an hour 's climb to the summit .

      The thief escaped by climbing over a fence .