

      恒星英语学习网     所属分类:C开头的英语单词     

      competitive 是什么意思

      音标:[ kəm'petitiv ]  


      竞争的,竞赛的。 competitive bidding system 招标制。 competitive examination 竞争考试。 competitive exhibition 竞赛(展览)会。

      involving competition or competitiveness; "competitive games"; "to improve one''s competitive position"

      showing a fighting disposition; "highly competitive sales representative"; "militant in fighting for better wages for workers"; "his self-assertive and ubiquitous energy"

      subscribing to capitalistic competition
      同义词:free-enterprise, private-enterprise,


      Ford has a more competitive environment .

      It is getting very competitive in the car industry .

      Nearly all the sports practiced nowadays are competitive .

      Nearly all the sports practised nowadays are competitive .

      If we lost the bid, we listed the competitive price .

      Admission to schools of veterinary medicine is exceptionally competitive .

      In every case, competitive papers were superior to monopoly ones .

      Disappearance of competitive papers always causes loss of sales .

      An economic life is a blend of competitive and monopoly elements .

      Hybrids apparently excel in competitive ability on the intermediate soils .