

      恒星英语学习网     所属分类:C开头的英语单词     

      cool 是什么意思

      音标:[ ku:l ]  

      过去式:cooled   过去分词:cooled   现在分词:cooling   


      a cool customer [card, fish, hand] (不动感情,不怕羞的)厚皮脸〔指男人〕。 a cool head 头脑冷静(的人)。 a cool matting 凉爽的席子。 a cool thousand pounds 整整一千镑。 a real cool comic 一个十分出色的喜剧演员。 cool chamber 冷藏室。 cool cheek 厚脸皮。 cool frock 单薄的外衣。 cool tankard 冷饮。 cool as a cucumber 冷静沉着。 get cool 冷了;凉了。 keep cool 冷(藏)着;乘凉;沉住气。 Keep cool !别慌。 leave sb. cool 不能引起某人兴趣。 play it cool 〔美俚〕压住感情,冷静处理[对待]。 remain cool 保持冷静,很沉着。
      cool down 冷起来,凉了;冷却;冷静下来。 cool it 〔俚语〕沉着;轻松冷静地[从容不迫地]做。 cool off 〔口语〕沉着,变冷静,平静下来。 cool one's coppers 喝解醉饮料。 cool one's heels 久等。
      in the cool (of the evening) (晚)凉时候。
      -ly ,-ness n.

      neither warm nor very cold; giving relief from heat; "a cool autumn day"; "a cool room"; "cool summer dresses"; "cool drinks"; "a cool breeze"

      psychologically cool and unenthusiastic; unfriendly or unresponsive or showing dislike; "relations were cool and polite"; "a cool reception"; "cool to the idea of higher taxes"

      (color) inducing the impression of coolness; used especially of greens and blues and violets; "cool greens and blues and violets"

      marked by calm self-control (especially in trying circumstances); unemotional; "play it cool"; "keep cool"; "stayed coolheaded in the crisis"; "the most nerveless winner in the history of the tournament"
      同义词:coolheaded, nerveless,

      fashionable and attractive at the time; often skilled or socially adept; "he''s a cool dude"; "that''s cool"; "Mary''s dress is really cool"; "it''s not cool to arrive at a party too early"

      (used of a number or sum) without exaggeration or qualification; "a cool million bucks"

      loose heat; "The air cooled considerably after the thunderstorm"
      同义词:chill, cool down,

      lose intensity; "His enthusiasm cooled considerably"
      同义词:cool off, cool down,

      make cool or cooler; "Chill the food"
      同义词:chill, cool down,

      great coolness and composure under strain; "keep your cool"
      同义词:aplomb, assuredness, poise, sang-froid,

      the quality of being at a refreshingly low temperature; "the cool of early morning"


      Cool drinks are refreshing on a hot day .

      I 'd like to drink a glass of cool boiled water ..

      I sat on the ground late in the cool air .

      Did you ever hear anything so cool ?

      She was decidedly cool about the proposal .

      Pears grow on the cool mountain slopes .

      Let 's go out. it 's much cooler .

      The fluid evaporates, and the body is cooled .

      He breathed deeply of the cool air .

      I 'm going into the wood to cool off .