

      恒星英语学习网     所属分类:D开头的英语单词     

      divisible 是什么意思


      2.【数学】除得尽的 (by)。
      12 is divisible by 4. 12可用4除尽。

      capable of being or liable to be divided or separated; "even numbers are divisible by two"; "the Americans fought a bloody war to prove that their nation is not divisible"


      Write a programme to list all the numbers between 11 and 99 which are divisible by 4 .

      A project's objectives are usually very clear cut and often divisible into discrete component parts .

      Since our example deals with whole, discrete units rather than with perfectly divisible units .

      All years that are divisible by 4 should be leap years of 366 days, except those which coincide with the beginning of a century .

      Special number , divisible by one and itself

      Characters divisible into two parts : head head tail

      Finite fields ; almost perfect arrays ; divisible difference sets

      Viewpoint : the " divisible by nine " rule

      Designating an integer not divisible by two , such as1 , 3 , and5
      奇数的不能被2整除的整数,如1 , 3和5

      The integer 1 is divisible only by itself ; it is not a prime