

      恒星英语学习网     所属分类:I开头的英语单词     

      independent 是什么意思

      音标:[ indi'pendənt ]  



      an independent manner 不愿受约束的样子。 an independent voter 无党无派选民。 an independent attack 【军事】单独进攻。 an independent grocer 独立经营的杂货商。 an independent clause (主从复合句中的)主句。 an independent state 独立国。 independent thinking 独立思考。 an independent income 可过富裕生活的收入。 be independent of 1. 独立于…之外的,不受…支配的(be independent of control 不受控制。 an objective law independent of man's will 不以人们意志为转移的客观规律)。 2. 与…无关的,不倚赖…的(be independent of each other 互无关系。 be independent of one's parents 不倚赖父母。 be independent of doctors 同医生无缘)。
      3.【宗教】 〔I-〕独立派教徒,公理会教徒。

      free from external control and constraint; "an independent mind"; "a series of independent judgments"; "fiercely independent individualism"

      (of a clause) capable of standing syntactically alone as a complete sentence; "the main (or independent) clause in a complex sentence has at least a subject and a verb"

      not controlled by a party or interest group

      (of political bodies) not controlled by outside forces; "an autonomous judiciary"; "a sovereign state"
      同义词:autonomous, self-governing, sovereign,

      a writer or artist who sells services to different employers without a long-term contract with any of them
      同义词:freelancer, freelance, free-lance, free lance, self-employed person,

      a neutral or uncommitted person (especially in politics)
      同义词:mugwump, fencesitter,


      I have 17 independent milk-producing units .

      They are a proud and independent people .

      He is very far from being independent .

      Berenson's whimsical and very independent .

      He was independent of the opinion of his fellows .

      Nonetheless, some independents do survive .

      The velocities are independent of hydrostatic pressures .

      They had strong, independent natures, both of them .

      These charges are independent of his present decisions .

      Definitely more independent corroboration is necessary .