normal vibration是什么意思


      恒星英语学习网     所属分类:N开头的英语单词     

      normal vibration 是什么意思



      normal:    adj. 1.正常的,平常的,普通的;平均的。 2.正规 ...

      vibration:    n. 1.振动,颤动;摆动;【物理学】振动。 2.(心的 ...


      Mode of normal vibrations

      Analysis of the acoustic propagation properties under the sea with normal vibration method

      The test result also displays that sometimes the normal vibration associated with squeal firstly occurs prior to the tangential vibration . the tangential vibration does not occur until the normal vibration gets stronger

      The measured tangential force , tangential inertial force and normal vibration acceleration are decomposed using a discrete wavelet transform . the relation among these three dynamics state variables is investigated