

      恒星英语学习网     所属分类:A开头的英语单词     

      activist 是什么意思

      音标:[ 'æktivist ]  



      a militant reformer

      advocating or engaged in activism


      The party organization singled out the activists from the masses .

      Nationally we now have more than 1, 000 people we can call activists .

      Smedley was close to ding ling, the well-known novelist and activist for women's causes, with whom smedley corresponded until her death .

      Activists say it ' s a case of excessive force

      Activists say it ' s a case of excessive force

      Activists say it ' s a case of excessive force

      Animal rights activists said caging them was cruel

      These are dark times for grassroots activists

      They could be jewish activists or relatives

      Even if you ' ve become an angry , manic - depressive activist