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      anthropoid 是什么意思



      any member of the suborder Anthropoidea including monkeys and apes and hominids

      person who resembles a nonhuman primate

      resembling human beings

      resembling apes
      同义词:anthropoidal, apelike,


      An anthropoid ape of the family pongidae , which includes the chimpanzee , gorilla , and orangutan

      Of the forms already existing on earth , one of the anthropoid apes most nearly approached the necessary pattern

      Budapest zoo spokesman zoltan hanga said it was the 11 anthropoid apes who drank most of the wine in 2005

      Modern primates range from prosimians such as the pygmy mouse lemur , through the monkeys , to anthropoid apes such as the gorilla - and humans

      The history of fur as a kind of apparel material could be traced back to the time when apes evolved into erectly walking anthropoids , and used beast skins to cover their bodies

      Modern industry brings about modernism culture whose major characters are anthropoids , evolutionism , individualism and the worship to newness . this is the ideological origin of modern social developmental idea with the view of urban development and economic growth

      Monkeys and apes at the budapest zoo drink their way through 55 liters of red wine each year , albeit in small quantities each day , to help boost their red blood cells , the zoo said monday . budapest zoo spokesman zoltan hanga said it was the 11 anthropoid apes who drank most of the wine in 2005