

      恒星英语学习网     所属分类:A开头的英语单词     

      absence 是什么意思

      音标:[ 'æbsəns ]  



      1.不在,缺席,缺勤 (opp. presence)。
      absencefrom (school, office) 缺(课),缺(席),缺(工),缺(勤),不在。 absence in (London) 暂离某地而在(伦敦)。 absence of mind 心不在焉,心神不定。 absence of reason 发狂。 in sb.'s absence 当某人不在时,背地里。 in the absence of 无…时,缺少…时。 leave of absence 请假,准假。 absence without leave 擅离职守。

      failure to be present

      the state of being absent; "he was surprised by the absence of any explanation"

      the occurrence of an abrupt, transient loss or impairment of consciousness (which is not subsequently remembered), sometimes with light twitching, fluttering eyelids, etc.; common in petit mal epilepsy
      同义词:absence seizure,

      the time interval during which something or somebody is away; "he visited during my absence"


      The team was crippled by his absence .

      Work has piled up during his absence .

      Jos was pleased with george's absence .

      He took my place during my absence .

      The play should not be lost by his absence .

      His absence cast a blight over the family .

      He can only explain the awful absence of absolutes .

      He was disgruntled at their absence .

      They have refused him leave of absence .

      His extraordinary absence became notorious .