

      恒星英语学习网     所属分类:S开头的英语单词     

      shin 是什么意思

      音标:[ ʃi:n; ʃin ]  

      过去式:shinned   过去分词:shinned   名词复数:shins   现在分词:shinning   


      2.(比球时)踢…的外胫。 shin oneself against a rock 脚杆骨撞在岩石上。
      1.攀爬 (up)。
      2.〔美国〕(为借钱而)到处奔走,跑来跑去 (about) 快步走。

      the front part of the human leg between the knee and the ankle

      the inner and thicker of the two bones of the human leg between the knee and ankle
      同义词:tibia, shinbone, shin bone,

      the 22nd letter of the Hebrew alphabet

      a cut of meat from the lower part of the leg
      同义词:shin bone,

      climb awkwardly, as if by scrambling
      同义词:clamber, scramble, shinny, skin, struggle, sputter,

      Shin是许多闪米特字母表中的第二十一个字母,包括腓尼基字母 、亚兰/希伯来字母以及阿拉伯字母(现代排序为13)。其发音为或。


      For men there were sturdy gabardine, shinning silk shirts .

      We looked at the glory of the sunlight shinning on the majesty of the sea .

      She breathed the perfume of that shinning head of hair, so gracefully curled, with delight .

      In his disputes with his governess over his book, he kicked that quiet creature's shins so fiercely, that she was entirely overmastered and subdued by him .

      He is from kaoshung , taiwan . prof . shin - shem s pei

      The nobel prize in physics 1965 : shin - ichiro tomonaga

      His elbow was poking through his torn shin sleeve

      Just before i left , i met your mom and young - shin

      Then joong - shin ' s father would ' ve called already

      By train and bus by way of shin - osaka station