sugar palm是什么意思


      恒星英语学习网     所属分类:S开头的英语单词     

      sugar palm 是什么意思


sugar:    n. 1.糖;【化学】糖。 2.甜言蜜语,阿谀奉承。 3 ...
palm:    n. 1.棕榈(树)。 2. 棕榈枝[叶]〔胜利的标记 ...

      Malaysian feather palm with base densely clothed with fibers; yields a sweet sap used in wine and trunk pith yields sago
      同义词:gomuti, gomuti palm, Arenga pinnata,

      Sugar palm is a common name for several species of palms used to produce sugar.


      The sea coconut ( hai di ye ) sold in hong kong and guangdong today is not the african sea coconuts but are the fruit of sugar palm from thailand and other south east asian countries