

      恒星英语学习网     所属分类:U开头的英语单词     

      unknown 是什么意思

      音标:[ 'ʌn'nəun ]  



      a man unknown to me 我不知道[认识]的人。 unknown wealth 巨富。 unknown to …所不知道的;〔作副词用〕没有给…知道,不给…晓得 (He did it unknown to me. 他没有让我知道就做了那件事了)。
      未[不]认识的人[物];【数学】未知数[量,元]。 the Great U- 伟大的匿名作家 〔Sir Walter Scott 的历史小说《威弗利》匿名出版时,人们对该书作者的尊称〕。 the U- Warrior [〔美国〕 Soldier] 无名战士〔其遗体被选出作为阵亡将士的代表接受国葬〕。 venture into the unknown 闯进未知世界中,大胆地探索未知的世界。

      not known; "an unknown amount"; "an unknown island"; "an unknown writer"; "an unknown source"

      being or having an unknown or unnamed source; "a poem by an unknown author"; "corporations responsible to nameless owners"; "an unnamed donor"
      同义词:nameless, unidentified, unnamed,

      not known before; "used many strange words"; "saw many strange faces in the crowd"; "don''t let anyone unknown into the house"

      not famous or acclaimed; "an obscure family"; "unsung heroes of the war"
      同义词:obscure, unsung,

      not known to exist; "things obscurely felt surged up from unknown depths"

      a variable whose values are solutions of an equation
      同义词:unknown quantity,

      an unknown and unexplored region; "they came like angels out the unknown"
      同义词:unknown region, terra incognita,

      anyone who does not belong in the environment in which they are found
      同义词:stranger, alien,


      His work is practically unknown here .

      What will the unknown devil bring ?

      The date of birth and death of qu yuan is unknown .

      His whereabouts have been utterly unknown so far .

      His present whereabouts is unknown .

      The nascence of that kind of animal is unknown .

      He stayed in an unknown city of revels .

      The immediate cause of death is unknown .

      The science of intoning was unknown .

      Whereabouts of the missing child is still unknown .