

      恒星英语学习网     所属分类:R开头的英语单词     

      romanticize 是什么意思



      act in a romantic way

      make romantic in style; "The designer romanticized the little black dress"

      interpret romantically; "Don''t romanticize this uninteresting and hard work!"
      同义词:romanticise, glamorize, glamourise,


      Do not romanticize -- stick to the facts .

      No one would want an author to walk away from authentic evidence, to touch up or romanticize mary lincoln's portrait .

      A romanticized or popularized myth of modern times

      You have a tendency to romanticize your life

      I got a personalized , romanticized question to ask you ,

      For me it ' s better i don ' t romanticize things as much anymore

      It ' s personal and romanticized ,

      I was thinking , for me it ' s better i don ' t romanticize things as much anymore

      Of course , those romanticized adventures have nothing to do with what ' s being shot today

      He never underestimated his adversaries and was careful not to romanticize teh achievements of his diplomatic endeavors