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This couple have strange habits . He’d like to sleep with lamp at……查看更多



This couple have strange habits . He’d like to sleep with lamp       at night and his wife
    the window.
A. burning; wide open B. burnt; widely opened C. burnt; wide open  D. burning; widely open


This couple have strange habits. He’d like to sleep with the lamp _____ at night and his wife with the window _____.

A .burning; wide open                    B.burnt; widely open    

C. burnt; wide open                      D. burning; widely open


This couple have strange habits. He’d like to sleep with the lamp _____________at night and his wife with the window_____________.

A. burnt; widely open                     B.burnt; wide open

C.burning; widely open                   D.burning; wide open



This couple have strange habits. He’d like to sleep with the lamp _____________at night and his wife with the window_____________.

A. burnt; widely open                     B.burnt; wide open

C.burning; widely open                   D.burning; wide open



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