甜辣鸽丝:Hot and Sweet Pigeon Slices
特殊营养食品:Special nutritional food
糖渍:sugar preserved
糖醋里脊(韩国):Fried Pork Mixed with Sweet and Sour Sauce
蒜茸蒸虾:Steam Prawn w/ Garlic Sauce
蒜茸蒸龙虾:Garlic Style Lobster
蒜茸芥兰:Garlic & Broccoli
蒜茸豆苗:Garlic Pea Greens
酸甜莴笋:Sweet and Sour Lettuce
酸甜明炉烧鸭(半):Roast Duck (Half)
酸甜海带:Sweet and Sour Kelp
酸甜咕噜鱼:Sweet & Sour Fish
酸甜咕噜虾:Sweet & Sour Shrimp
酸辣汤:Hot & Sour Soup
酸辣肚丝:Hot and Sour Pig Tripe Shreds
酸辣豆腐汤:Hot and Sour Bean Curd Soup
粟米瑶柱羹:Corn with Dry Scallops Soup
素炒什锦:Fried Assorted Vegetables
酥炸野兔:Crisp Fried Rabbit
酥炸鲜鱿:Fried Squid
酥炸生豪:Fried Oysters
酥炸大虾:Fried Prawns
松仁猪排:Fried Spareribs with Mashed Pine Nut
松仁炒鹌鹑丁:Fried Diced Quail with Pine Nuts
松蘑炖鹌鹑:Stewed Quail with Mushroom
四鲜丸子:Four-Delicacy Balls
四川虾:Szechuan Prawns
四川牛肉:Szechuan Beef
四川鸡:Szechuan Chicken
四川炒鲜鱿:Szechuan Squid
四川炒虾球:Szechuan Shrimp
四川炒鸡球:Szechuan Chicken
四宝豆腐羹:Steam Tofu Soup
丝苗白饭:Steam Rice
水果制品:fruit product
水产品:aquatic product
双味海带:Two-Flavor Kelp
束法鸡:Braised Chicken with Cream Sauce
蔬菜制品:vegetable product
蔬菜丝混合色拉:Vegetable-Mixed Salad
兽药残留:residues of veterinary drugs
试纸、试剂:Test paper and reagent.
食用油脂:edible oils and fats
食用盐:edible salt
食物安全毒理学评价:toxicological evaluation for food safety
食品质量检验:food quality inspection