

      2)  up to the minute


      3)  updated understanding


      4)  Latest development



      This paper expounds the generation, features and treatment technologies of the leachate, introduces the latest development of domestic leachate treatment technologies, and advances the development direction of leachate treatment technologies.



      This paper first reviews the basic ideas and operational procedure of behaviour therapy, and then testifies and comments on its latest development.


      5)  latest technology



      Detail introduction is given to the latest technology of the latch section and the optimization of the latch.



      Due to the latest technology of the new sectional warping machine from Benninger, Benninger provides the basis for economic and high quality production of samples and short warps.


      6)  the latest specification


      7)  latest progress



      In the present article,the evolution and development of metal base composite material are reviewed;the general research situation of pellet strengthened metal base composite material is described;the development tendency and the latest progress of metal base composite material are introduced.



      Based on review of present situation and latest progress in design and construction of tunnel lining in soft soil by shield both at home and abroad,the problems in design and construction in China were pointed out and the researchs to be carried out for solving such problems were suggested.

      本文在总结国内外软土盾构法隧道衬砌设计与施工技术的研究现状及最新进展的基础上 ,指出了我国目前盾构法隧道衬砌设计与施工中存在的若干问题,,提出并论证了目前在软土盾构法隧道衬砌设计与施工中急待解决的研究课

      8)  new development



      The global toothpaste product be divided into ten species, the new development of product in 2003 to 2004 be introduced.



      The new development of transformer protection researches both in China and abroad since 1997 is outlined.

      论述了自 1997年以来国内外有关变压器继电保护研究方面的最新进展 :最近发展起来的小波理论对信号分析具有多分辨率的特点 ,已经在变压器保护的最新研究和分析中得到广泛的关注 ;用于状态辨识的人工神经网络因其具有高度神经计算能力、极强的自适应性、容错性以及自学习能力等特点 ,其在变压器保护中的应用也已成为变压器保护研究的另一个热点 ;还有其它一些新的变压器保护理论和思想都取得了一定的进展。

      9)  latest development



      Latest development and application market of uncooled thermal imaging;



      The latest development of China s theories and practices on the WTO law:A summary of the Annual Conference of the WTO Law Institute of China Law Society in 2004;


      10)  new trends



      Progress for Al-Ti-B grain refining mechanism and new trends of Al-Ti-B industry are detailed.



      挂钩型货叉 术语 GB/T5140-1985
      平衡重式叉车 稳定性基本试验 GB/T5141-1985
      前移式和插腿式叉车 稳定性试验 GB/T5142-1985
      高起升车辆护顶架技术要求和试验方法 GB5143-1985
      货叉的技术要求和试验 GB/T5182-1996
      货叉的尺寸 GB/T5183-1995
      挂钩型货叉和货叉架的安装尺寸 GB/T5184-1996
      机动工业车辆 名词术语 GB/T5140-1985
      机动工业车辆 控制符号 GB/T5141-198
      机动工业车辆 安全规范 GB 5143-1985
      平衡重式叉车 基本参数 JB/T5182-1996
      0.5t~10t平衡重式叉车技术条件 JB/T2391-1994
      前移式叉车 基本参数 JB/T3244-1999
      手动插腿式液压叉车 JB/T3299-1999
      平衡重式叉车 整机试验方法 JB/T3300-1992
      插腿式叉车 基本参数 JB/T3340-1999
      托盘堆垛车 基本参数 JB/T3341-1999
      托盘搬运车 基本参数 JB/T3773.1-1999
      托盘搬运车整机试验方法 JB/T3773.2-1999
      托盘搬运车 技术条件 JB/T3773.3-1999
      固定平台搬运车基本参数 JB/T3811.1-1999
      固定平台搬运车技术条件 JB/T3811.2-1999
      起升车辆基本型式和额定起重量系列 JB/T7313-1994
      蓄电池搬运车整机试验方法 JB/T7635-1994
      蓄电池搬运车辆型谱 JB/T7636-1994
      蓄电池搬运车型号编制方法 JB/T8452-1996
      侧面式叉车 JB/T9012-1999
      剪叉式升降台 型式和基本参数 JB/T9229.1-1999
      剪叉式升降台 技术条件 JB/T9229.2-1999
      剪叉式升降台 试验方法 JB/T9229.3-1999
      叉车挂钩型货叉产品质量分等 JB/T51005-1992
      0.5t~10t内燃平衡重式叉车产品质量分等 JB/T51006-1992
      蓄电池平衡重式叉车 产品质量分等 JB/T51059-1994
      手动插腿式液压叉车 产品质量分等 JB/T53477-1994



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