

      2)  Residua Error Rate


      3)  residual error



      At present,constant modulus algorithm (CMA) is widely used,but it has disadvanta- ges that the convergence speed is slow and the residual error is large.

      目前,常数模算法(constant modulus algorithm,CMA)应用非常广泛,但它存在收敛速度慢,剩余误差大的缺点。


      The influence of systems error,random error and truncation error of numerical integration on residual error are anelyzed.

      提出了利用遥测的过载、俯仰角信息和光测的坐标联合计算弹道关机段速度的方法 ,从遥测结果的系统误差、随机误差和数值积分的截断误差三方面对剩余误差的影响进行了精度分析 ,并给出了速度精度的算


      Though the algorithm overcomes the shortcoming of conventional CMA’s larger residual error after convergence and ‘stop-and-go’ algorithm’s fixed parameters, the convergence rate is slower.



      4)  residual errors



      In order to guarantee ultralow sidelobe level of solide-state active phased array antenna,there is very strict requirement on the control of channel calibration residual errors and on amplititute-phase consistency of multiple channels.



      5)  automatic frequency control


      6)  residential frequency modulation
