



      Research on Inhomogeneity of Microstructure and Mechanical Properties for 2A50 Aluminum Alloy Prepared by Thixoforging



      The loss of PTEN in malignant transformation of the nasopharyngeal carcinoma was not uniform and mainly occurred in late clinical stage.



      Diffusional homogenization treatment of Ni-Cr-Mo-Cu corrosion resistance alloy and evolutions of its microstructure and properties



      Microscopically visible particles differ in colour, texture, uniformity and in water solubility and absorption



      inhomogeneity of carbide



      ⑦fallopian tube pregnancies(n=2) took up masses in round or cord shape,the low density foci can be found out of the midst of the masses.



      Effects of homogenizing annealing on microstructure and properties of hypereutectic Al-17Si alloy



      Introduction of Quantitative Metallography Method for Determination Distribution Uniformity of Particles



      Effects of Homogenization and Extrusion on Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Mg-5Gd-3Nd-xY-0.5Zr Alloy



      Microstructural Homogeneity in Hypereutectic High Cr Cast Iron by Semi-solid Rheo-extrusion



      The initial microstructure was found to be fine duplex microstructure.



      The Research on the Unevenness and Unexpected Failure of Textile Based Vascular Prostheses



      Striped fabrics are printed or woven, balanced or unbalanced, horizontal or vertical.



      Experimental Research and Retrofit of the Uniformity of Coal Powder Supply in 200MW Unit;



      colour lacking uniformity



      material that has been homogenized (especially tissue that has been ground and mixed).



      Study on Heat Treatment Techniques for Homogenizing the Annealed Structure of H13 Steel
