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9.3.7 开发票

Source: 互联网   2011-04-03   论坛 Favorite 
3.7 Invoice开发票

W: Ten sheets of rice paper, 25 brushes, two boxes of oil color and two boxes of water color. All these come up to $35.50, sir.

M: Ok, here is $50. Oh, can you make out an invoicefor me?

W: Sure, just a minute. Are you an artist, sir?

M: No, I am a teacher. I teach art.

W: That must be a very interesting job.

M: It is. You must be new here. I do my shopping here regularly, once a week.

W: Do you? Nice to meet you! And here is the invoiceand your change.

M: Thank you. Nice to meet you, too.
上一篇:9.4.1 领位
下一篇:9.4.4 处理抱怨