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  • 英语口语话题

  • 1.04.2 接电话


    W: Hello, this is 57356475.

    M: Hello, this is John. I wanna speak to Linda, please.

    W: This is Linda.

    M: Hi, Linda. I want to invite you to a dinner tomorrow evening.

    W: Really? What t

  • 1.04.1 对方不在


    M: Hello, is Marie Ward there, please?

    W: I'll see if she is in.

    M: Ok.

    W: I'm afraid she's out.

    M: Can you give her a message, please?

    W: Yes, of course.

    M: Please tell her

  • 1.03.5 在洗衣店


    M: I'd like to have these shirts washed and ironed.

    W: Ok, do you want us to use starch?

    M: Yes, heavy starch in the collar, please.

    W: Yes, sir. Your shirts will be ready by Thursday mornin

  • 1.03.4 在家宴客


    W: Oh, Henry. I haven't seen you in ages. Come on in, please. Let me take your coat. How are you getting along?

    M: Fairly well, thank you.

    W: Please take a seat. Everything will be ready in a m

  • 1.03.3 烹饪菜肴


    W: Let's see now. Cut the potatoes into small cubes.

    M: Yes, but don't cut them yet. Wait until they cool. Where is the big plastic bowl?

    W: On the bottom shelf in the cupboard under the sink.

  • 1.03.2 看电视


    W: Is there anything worth watching on another channel?

    M: I think there’s a Western on.

    W: Do you mind if we watch it. I’d really like to see it.

    M: Well, I really wanted to see the footba

  • 1.03.1 起床


    W: Hey, Jim. Wake up!

    M: Do I have to get up now?

    W: You'd better get up or you'll be late.

    M: What are you talking about? The alarm hasn't even gone off yet.

    W: Yes, It has. It went of

  • 1.02.8 三包事宜


    W: Did you find everything ok today?

    M: Yes, I did. By the way, in case there is a flaw in this CD player, can I return it?

    W: Yes. But you must return it within 30 days.

    M: Is there a cha

  • 1.02.7 清仓大甩卖


    W: Hi, Andy. I am going to Isabel’s. Are you coming?

    M: No. The things are too expensive there for me. I can't afford it.

    W: That is no problem at all. Isabel’s is having a clearance sale,

  • 1.02.6 上当受骗


    W: How much did you pay for the TV?

    M: 200 bucks.

    W: 200 bucks for a piece of junk like that? That's a ripped-off.

    M: What do you mean?

    W: It's not worth it.

    M: Oh, I guess I really d

  • 1.02.4 买鞋


    M: May I help you?

    W: Yes. Do you have these shoes in size seven?

    M: I am not sure. If you can’t find them on the rack, they may be out of stock. But let me look in the stockroom.

    W: Than

  • 1.02.5 砍价


    S: Hi, are you being helped?

    W: No, I'm not. I am interested in some scarves.

    S: All our scarves are in this section. What do you think of this one here? It's made of silk.

    W: Hm, It loo

  • 1.02.3 购买服装


    W: Hello! Can I help you?

    M: Well, I am looking for some winter clothes for my fiancee.

    W: Oh, it's the high time for you purchasing in our clothes shop. We are now having a preseason sale on

  • 1.02.2 购买家具


    M: Hi, can I help you?

    W: No, thanks. I'm just looking.

    M: All right. If you need any help, just let me know. My name is Greg.

    W: Sure, I'll let you know if I need anything.

    W: Hm, t

  • 1.02.1 提议同逛街


    M: Doris, Helen Mall is having a big sale this weekend. Do you wanna go?

    W: Don't feel like it. I'm broke.

    M: Well, we can still do some window shopping, can we?

    W: Just look around? Nah

  • 1.01.8 结账


    W: Are you through with your meal?

    M: Yes, we are. Could we have the check, please?

    W: Here is your check, 86 dollars in all. Can I take care of it here when you are ready?

    M: Do you accept c

  • 1.01.7 作东请客


    Thanks for lunch. It was delicious.

    It's OK.

    Next time lunch is on me.

    Don't be silly.

    I'm serious.

    All right. Next time you will treat

    It's a deal. Thanks for lunch. It was deli

  • 1.01.6 吃饱了


    M: Hey! That food was terrific. I can't eat another bite. Are you sure you don't want another dish?

    W: No, I'm full. My stomach isn't growling at me any more.

    M: I know what you mean. I'm

  • 1.01.5 退换饭菜


    Woman: What is this? I didn't order that.

    Waiter: I’m terribly sorry. May I have your order again? I'll get it right away.

    Woman: I've ordered savory pork and coleslaw.

    Waiter: I'm sorr

  • 1.01.4 餐馆用餐


    W: Good evening. Do you have a reservation?

    M: No, we don't.

    W: How many people are you together?

    M: Just two people.

    W: Would you like to sit in a smoking section, a non-smoking sect

  • 1.01.3 点中餐


    W: Excuse me, I'd like to try some Chinese food.

    M: We serve excellent Chinese food. Which style do you prefer?

    W: I know nothing about Chinese food. Could you give me some suggestions?


  • 1.01.1 电话定位


    W: PomPous. How may I help you?

    M: Yes, I'd like to reserve a table for dinner.

    W: How large a group are you expecting?

    M: Six couples.

    W: Would you like to reserve a private dining r

  • 1.01.2 初进餐厅


    Yes, we'v got a reservation. The name is Ann.

    Let me see. Ok, this way,please.

    This is your table.

    And would you like to order now?


    Here is the menu.

    Thank you. Yes, we’ve got

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