旅游常用英语口语Lesson 4:Checking in(2)

恒星英语学习网 2007年08月23日

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      第四课: 入住酒店
      Lesson 4: Checking In

      思。在接下来的这一课中,我们要学习诸如“Is that OK?” 这样的
      安排可以吗? 这类的短语。当你要确定客人是否满意你的某项建议
      时,你就可以说“Is that OK ?”这样的安排可以吗?另外,我
      们还要学习有关there is 和there are , 和can 可以、能够及
      could 可以、能够的用法。
      Leo: Good afternoon. Can I help you?
      Mona: Yes, we have a reservation for three nights. Mona White. I
      called last week.
      Leo: One moment please, Ms White.
      Leo: Yes, that was for two single rooms, wasn’t it? I’ve reserved
      rooms 402 and 403 for you.
      Mona: Are they quiet rooms?
      Leo: Well they are facing the street, but there’s a lovely view.
      Mona: We’d like quiet rooms thanks.
      Leo: Of course…
      Leo: I can put you in rooms three-eleven and three-twelve. They’re
      at the rear of the hotel.
      Jack: Mona…
      Mona: That’s much better, thank you.
      Jack: Mona…
      Mona: Yes, Dad?
      Jack: I’d like a view.
      Mona: Oh. Is there a view?
      Leo: Not really.
      Mona: Well, we want our rooms together.
      Jack: Mona…

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      Mona: Yes, Dad?
      Jack: I don’t mind if our rooms aren’t together. I’d like a lovely view.
      Mona: Oh.
      Leo: I’ll see what I can do.
      利奥: 我可以把你们两人的房间安排在同一个楼层。
      Leo: I can put you both on the same floor.
      利奥: 305 房间带风景
      Leo: Room 305 with a view…
      利奥: 311 房间在后楼
      Leo: …and Room 311 at the rear.
      利奥: 怀特女士,您父亲的房间就在您房间的对面。
      Leo: Your father will be just opposite you, Ms White.
      利奥: 这样的安排可以吗?
      Leo: Is that OK?
      蒙纳: 好啊,没有问题。
      Mona: Oh, yes, that’s fine.
      杰克: 谢谢
      Jack: Thank you.
      利奥: 不客气
      Leo: My pleasure.
      利奥: 请您填一下这份表格。
      Leo: Could you just fill out this fomp3 please?
      利奥: 还有什么可以效劳的吗?
      Leo: Now, can I help you with anything else?
      利奥: 这样的安排可以吗?
      Leo: Is that OK?

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      当我们要询问客人对你的建议是否满意时,我们就可以说Is that
      OK? 此外,你还可以说Is that alright? Is that alright? 或者
      说Will that do? Will that do? 请注意听录音并跟着说。
      Is that OK?
      Is that alright?
      Will that do?
      也许有时您会感到在何种情况下该使用can 或could 令人疑惑,
      是你主动提出了某项建议,那么就要用can, 例如: Can I help
      you? 有什么可以为您效劳的吗?但是当你提出某项请求时,你就要
      用could. 例如:Could you fill out this fomp3 please? 请您填
      Leo: Could you just fill out this fomp3 please?
      Could you spell that, please?
      Can I help you?
      Can I get you anything else?
      Leo: I can put you both on the same floor.
      Leo: Room 305 with a view …
      Leo: …and Room 311 at the rear.
      Leo: Your father will be just opposite you, Ms White.
      Leo: Is that OK?
      Mona: Oh, yes, that’s fine.
      Jack: Thank you.
      Leo: My pleasure.
      Leo: Could you just fill out this fomp3 please?

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      第四课: 入住酒店
      Lesson 4: Checking In
      利奥: 还有什么可以效劳的吗?
      Leo: Now can I help you with anything else?
      蒙纳: 请问房间里有闹钟吗?
      Mona: Yes, is there an alamp3 clock in the room?
      利奥: 有的。
      Leo: Yes, there is.
      蒙纳: 有电水壶和茶叶吗?
      Mona: And a kettle and tea?
      利奥: 有的,每个房间都配备有煮茶的设施。
      Leo: Yes, there are tea-making facilities in every room.
      蒙纳: 房间里有熨斗吗?
      Mona: And is there an iron?
      利奥: 我现在就帮您查一下。
      Leo: I’ll see to it right away…
      利奥: 怀特女士,请出示您的信用卡。
      Leo: Now, could I see your credit card please, Ms White?
      现在让我们来学习there is 和there are 的用法。当我们要表达
      某处有一个物体的时候,我们就要说there is, 例如:there is a
      clock。那里有一个闹钟。There is 的缩略语是there’s,
      there’s a clock。那里有一个闹钟。此外,在描述的物体是不可数
      名词时我们也要使用there is 。不可数名词包括茶叶、水或糖等
