时尚英语口语第41期:Do you really want it? 你真的想要吗?

恒星英语学习网 2012年08月27日

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      Do you really want it?

      I think we can do things only when we really want to,

      I mean really want to.

      Do you remember something that you really want it,

      it could be something as simply as an ice cream.

      When my daughter wants an ice cream,

      she bothers me all day long until she gets an ice cream even if I tell her I will think about getting her one if she is good and eat all her dinner.
      就算告诉如果她很好的吃完自己所有的晚餐的话, 我还是会考虑一番,她也会整天烦我,直到她得到一个冰淇淋。

      She'll make sure that I haven't forgotten because she hasn't forgotten.

      Wow.What determination, what focus, what desire,

      she really wants that ice cream.

      So what do you want.

      That just food but perhaps a healthy looking body,maybe it's better command of English.

      How about the more exciting social life,even the date for the evening.

      Well, what stopping you,is someone holding you back.

      In my case, the thing hold me back most is weak desire,

      when I really want somethinig I go afterward.

      When I surely desire something,I persuade it.

      If….when….it never ends.

      If I want better enough, when I want better enough.

      Talk about it:

      So,what do you really want. Do you really want it? Do you really need it?

      What do you do to convince yourself to take action?

      What is holding you back if you know something is important. Why don't you do it?

      Some people know they have to exercise more, but they don't get serious until they have heart attack.

      Do we really need some kind of sharp to get moving?

      Have you ever tried very hard for something and then succeed it?

      Have you ever tried very hard for something but failed?

      Talk about it!

      Is it true that we sometimes want things that are not good for us?


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