
恒星英语学习网 2016年05月05日

      Source: 恒星英语学习网我要投稿   论坛   Favorite  



      (1) Mary gets up at six o'clock every morning.

      A: rises

      B: stands

      C: arrives

      D: comes


      解析: 本题考查动词词组。题干 :玛丽每天早晨六点起床。get up意思为“起床”,与rise为近义词,故答案为A。

      (2) In fact, all of these devices are designed by him in his spare time.

      A: finally

      B: really

      C: actually

      D: usually



      本题是对介词短语的考查。题干 :事实上,所有的装置都是他业余时间设计的。题干划线词in fact意为“事实上”。四个选项:finally意为“最后地,最终地”,really意为“真正地”,actually意为“实际上,事实上”,usually意为“通常”,因此正确答案为C。

      (3) The book took ten years of thorough research.

      A: basic

      B: careful

      C: social

      D: major



      本题是对形容词的考查。题干 :对这本书做详细的研究用了10年时间。题干划线词thorough意为“完全的,详细的”。四个选项:basic意为“基本的,基础的”,careful意为“细心的,认真的”,social意为“社会的”,major意为“较多的,主要的”,所以正确答案为B。

      (4) Did the boss accept your proposal?

      A: invitation

      B: plan

      C: suggest

      D: view



      本题考查名词。题干 :老板接受你的提议了吗?Invitation“邀请”,plan“计划”,suggest“建议”,view“角度,建议”。

      (5) The behavior is stemmed from his idea.

      A: flows

      B: comes

      C: watches

      D: observe


      解析: 本题是对短语的考查。题干 :这个行为源自他的想法。题干划线词be stemmed from意为“源自”,flow意为“流”,come意为“来”,watch意为“观察”,observe意为“观察”,所以正确答案为B。

      (6)The study has posed a question about this nature.

      A: supported

      B: cancelled

      C: aroused

      D: raised


      解析:题干 :这次研究提出了有关自然的问题。题干划线词pose意为“提出,摆姿势”,support意为“支持”,cancel意为“取消,删除”,arouse意为“唤醒,唤起”,raise意为“提高,抚养,提出”,所以正确答案为D。

      (7) Sequoyah created the Cherokee syllabary, an extraordinary achievement that made it possible for the Cherokee to print newspapers in their own language.

      A: an inevitable

      B: a remarkable

      C: a linguistic

      D: a journalistic



      本题是对形容词的考查。题干 :Sequoyah创造了切罗基字母表,这是一项非凡的成就,使得切罗基族用自己的语言印刷报纸成为现实。题干中extraordinary指“特别的 ;非凡的”,四个选项中an inevitable指“不可避免的 ;必然(发生) 的” ;a remarkable指“非凡的 ;显著的” ;a linguistic指“语言学的” ;a ioumalistic指“新闻业的”,所以答案为B。

      (8) He decided to give his son everything he owned after his death.

      A: gained

      B: had

      C: got

      D: caught



      本题是对动词的考查。题干 :他决定死后把他拥有的一切都给他儿子。题干划线词own意为“拥有,占有”。四个选项:gain意为“获得,赢得”,had 的原形have意为“有”,got的原形get意为“得到”,caught 的原形catch意为“抓住”,所以B为正确答案。

      (9) She will be pleased to meet you.

      A: angry

      B: happy

      C: sad

      D: unwilling



      本题考查形容词。题干 :见到你,她会很高兴。pleased意思为“高兴的”,与happy为近义词,故答案为B。

      (10) They converted the spare bedroom into an office.

      A: reduced

      B: turned

      C: moved

      D: reformed



      本题是对动词的考查。题干 :他们把一个闲置的房间变成了办公室。题干划线词convert意为“转变,转化”。四个选项:reduce意为“减小,缩小”,turn意为“改变,转动”,move意为“移动,推动”,reform意为“改革,改造”,所以正确答案为B。

      (11) It seemed incredible that the baby saved his parents.

      A: offensive

      B: obvious

      C: unbelievable

      D: unclear



      本题考查形容词。题干 :小宝宝救了他的父母,这似乎很难以置信。划线单词incredible的意思是“难以置信的”。四个选项:offensive“无礼的、冒犯的”,0bvious“ 明显的”,unbelievable“难以置信的”,unclear“不清楚的”。根据题意,正确答案为C。

      (12) His girlfriend broke up with him because he sent her a bunch of artificial flowers.

      A: pure

      B: lovely

      C: false

      D: wild



      本题考查形容词。题干 :他的女朋友跟他分手因为他送了她一束假花。划线单词artificial意思是“人造的,假的”。四个选项:pure“纯的”,lovely“可爱的”,false“假的”,wild“野生的”。根据题意,本题选C。

      (13) The old man died of a deadly disease.

      A: risky

      B: serious

      C: fatal

      D: worrying



      本题考查形容词的词义。题干 :这个老人死于一种致命的疾病。题干划线词deadly的含义是“致命性的”,risky意为“危险的,冒险的”,serious意为“严肃的,严重的”,fatal意为“致命性的”,worrying意为“烦恼的,令人担忧的”,可知答案为C。

      (14)She is sick.

      A: fat

      B: weak

      C: ill

      D: mad


      解析:本题考查形容词。题干 :她病了。sick意思为“生病的”,与ill意思一致,故答案为C。

      (15) He said this result was the best that he had expected.

      A: meaningful

      B: interesting

      C: meaningless

      D: perfect



      本题是对形容词的考查。题干 :他说这个结果是他期望的最好的结果。题干划线词best意为“最好的”。四个选项:meaningful意为“有意义的”,interesting意为“有趣的”,meaningless意为“无意义的”,perfect意为“完美的,最好的”,所以正确答案为D。
