2015年中考(山东潍坊卷)英语听力真题 长对话1

可可听力网 2016年08月04日 10:54:00

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      Hi, Tony. How was your weekend?


      Great! I went fishing near a village.


      Fishing? Sounds fun.


      Yes. You spend hours waiting and then suddenly a fish comes on your line. How exciting!


      Did you go fishing alone?


      No, my family went together.


      We had a fishing competition.


      That's interesting. What's the result?


      My father caught the most, 12 fish in a day! — Wow!

      我父亲一天钓到了12条鱼! ——哇!

      But my elder brother caught the biggest, it's nearly 2 kilos.


      What about you?


      I caught only one, but mom says it's the nicest.
