

      v. 憎恶,痛恨





  •       The proBlem with Establishment Republicans is theyabhorthe unseemliness of a political Brawl.


  •       Abhor: To regard with horror or loathing; abominate.

          憎恶: 厌恶恐惧或憎恨;痛恨。

  •       He problem with Establishment Republicans is theyabhorthe unseemliness of a political brawl(Patrick J. Buchanan).


  •       The problem with Establishment Republicans is theyabhorthe unseemliness of a political brawl(Patrick J.Buchanan).


  •       To dislike intensely;abhor.


  •       Abhorthe arrant whore of Rome.


  •       Most peopleabhorcruelty to children.


  •       Pygmalion saw so much to blame in women that he came at last toabhorthe sex, and resolved to live unmarried.
