

      adj. 道德(上)的,有道德的

      n. 寓意





  •       The gentleman helps others to achieve theirmoralperfection But not their evil conduct.


  •       A man ofmoralintegrity does not fear any slanderous attack.


  •       Explicate one'smoralvalues.


  •       The quality of passing allmoralbounds; excessive wickedness or outrageousness.


  •       Lackingmoralsensibility;not caring about right and wrong.


  •       No one can be perfectly free till all are free; no one can be perfectlymoraltill all aremoral; no one can be perfectly happy till all are happy.


  •       National spirit is themoralkingpin on which a nation relies for survival and development.


  •       He will not be able to take away themoralcurse of using force by employing it halfheartedly or incompetently.


  •       The search for objectivity cannot result in a list ofmoralrecipes for every situation.


  •       The joy andmoralstimulation of work no longer must be forgotten in the mad chase of evanescent profits.


  •       Man of principle; man ofmoralstanding.


  •       Themoralshock of our nascent imperialism(bRichard Hofstadter).


  •       As Osiris was the personification of physical andmoralgood, so his brother Seb was the personification of all evil.


  •       Ifmoralbehavior were simply following rules, we could program a computer to bemoral.


  •       Substitutingmoralpower for physical force.


  •       We may make mistakes, but they must never be mistakes which result from faintness of heart or abandonment ofmoralprinciple.


  •       Many conservatives resurrected traditional isolationism, protecting Americanmoralpurity against contamination by the expedient.


  •       The schools seek to be laboratories wheremoralaction is encouraged and practiced.


  •       I told the president-elect that I would be of no use to him without themoralsupport of my friends and associates.


  •       Ethical reasoning will only have an impact if it guides both the spectacular as well as the smallermoralpredicaments.


  •       Flouting conventionalmoralstandards; sexually promiscuous.


  •       The nation pulsed with music and proclamation,with rages andmoralpretensions(Lance Morrow)See Synonyms at pulsate.


  •       It was a forcible type of themoralsolitude in which the scarlet letter enveloped its fated wearer.


  •       There is a touch of optimism in every worry about one's ownmoralcleanliness.


  •       Themoralof the story is that 'Solidarity is strength'.


  •       The simple picture ofmoralobligation presented by the traditionalists is complicated by two persistent facts.


  •       The postulate that there is littlemoraldifference between the superpowers(bHenry A.Kissinger).


  •       It also involves imparting emotional and"moralvalues and polishing the character of these individuals.


  •       Themoralof this story is that crime does not pay.


  •       A woman of strongmoralfibre.
