

      v. 厉行,强迫,执行





  •       Any and all of which will be entitled to invoke such terms and conditions on their behalf andenforcesuch terms and conditions against you.


  •       Enforcea regulation.


  •       But he is not entitled toenforcepayment of the bill against any intervening party to whom be was previously liable.


  •       He attempted toenforcethe restitution of the Roman lands and cities.


  •       Teachersenforcethe rules of the school.


  •       The police are there toenforcethe law.


  •       U.N troops were sent there toenforcethe truce.


  •       Any failure toenforceany provision of this Agreement shall not constitute a waiver thereof or of any other provision except as set forth herein.


  •       A writ empowering an officer toenforcea judgment.


  •       Have you any statistics that wouldenforceyour argument?


  •       He attempted toenforcethe restitution of the Roman lands and cities(George P.R.James.


  •       The two ladies continued to talk, to re-urge the same admitted truths andenforcethem with such examples of the ill effect of a contrary practice….


  •       The new sheriff decided toenforcethe law with rigour.


  •       To seek to obtain orenforceby legal action.


  •       A people's court shall decide not toenforcean arbitration ruling which it deems contrary to social and public interests.


  •       The police mustenforcelaws.


  •       A wise government knows how toenforcewith temper or to conciliate with dignity.


  •       It is crucial toenforcethem to achieve the ideal effect.


  •       The new law about safety belts in cars was difficult toenforceat first.


  •       Governments make laws and the policeenforcethem.


  •       The new teacher totally failed toenforceany sort of discipline.


  •       The teacher willenforcethe rules of the school.


  •       Enforcemilitary discipline.


  •       Once the contract is signed, the seller and buyer shouldenforceit according to the provisions.


  •       Policemen and judgesenforcethe law.


  •       Host organizations may notenforcelocal rules except to comply with legislation or legal precedent in the applicable jurisdiction.


  •       Enforceobedience to an order.


  •       Any affected Member that wishes toenforcea right that it may have to compensation must participate in the arbitration.


  •       The drawing or indorsement entitles the holder to receive payment of the bill, and toenforceit against any other party thereto.".


  •       The police mustenforcethe law.
