

      v. 提高,加强,增加





  •       Teachers shall constantly arouse andenhancethe students’ interest in studying.


  •       Enhancerational exploitation of resources.


  •       Fertilizersenhancethe natural fertility of the soil or replace the chemical elements taken from the soil by previous crops.


  •       Adhere to and improve democratic centralism andenhancethe Party's vitality, solidarity and unity.


  •       Toenhancein appearance by adding decorative touches;embellish.


  •       Outfit Pirate: Assign an accessory to one of your pirates toenhancehis or her stature.


  •       Heavy material that is placed in the hold of a ship or the gondola of a balloon toenhancestability.


  •       Interactions that are classified as adverse either compromise therapeutic efficacy,enhancetoxicity, or both.


  •       There is a beauty in fitness, which no art canenhance. ——John Dos Passos.


  •       The departments of state taxes shallenhancetheir service awareness, increase the transparency of the export tax rebate work.


  •       A decorating scheme that detracts but does notenhance.


  •       Toenhanceservice quality, create quality environment for customs declarations.


  •       Improve their educational quality andenhancetheir opportunity to be employed and working abilities.


  •       We mustenhanceour economic and cultural exchanges with other countries in the world.


  •       Enhanceone's market competitiveness.


  •       Unlike chargesenhancecoagulation.


  •       Bright geometricsenhancethe appearance of the cloth.


  •       I do believe that he needs business education toenhancehis skills and counter his weaknesses.


  •       The order urged the armed forces toenhancetheir alertness.


  •       ToenhanceChina-Bahamas relations is in the fundamental interest of the two peoples.


  •       Adhere to and improve democratic centralism andenhancethe Party's vitality, solidarity and unity.


  •       The main reasons for acidification are toenhancebeverage flavors and to act as preservatives against microbial growth.


  •       Harasses him by troubles and setbacks so as to stimulate his spirit, toughen his nature andenhancehis abilities.


  •       Salt and nitrites inhibit bacterial growth andenhanceflavor and color; sugar counteracts the hardening effect of salt and alsoenhances flavor.


  •       He hoped that IDG would make full use of its advantages toenhancethe cooperation in such fields.


  •       Oxidants are substances that support combustion andenhancethe combustibility of other materials.


  •       The object of the filtering is toenhancethe direct pulse from the shot and to attenuate the ghost.


  •       The mask acts as a low frequency spatial filter whose effect is toenhancerendition of fine detail.


  •       A company should use various means toenhancevocational education and on-the-job training for staff and workers to increase their work quality.


  •       Because it uses objects as data structures toenhanceproductivity,simplify programming,get reusability and improve software reliability.
