

      v. 建立,确立,创办





  •       We reject the destiny which Washington strove so valiantly and so triumphantly toestablish.


  •       We should intensify our efforts toestablishParty organizations in mass organizations and intermediaries.


  •       Establishdirect links between the producer and the seller;link production with sale.


  •       Build (或nurture) connections with;establisha relationship with (a useful person);cotton up to.


  •       Establishan order of priority.


  •       They must finally abolish capitalism andestablishsocialism.


  •       In such situations specific laboratory tests are necessary toestablishthe etiology.


  •       Toestablishthe validity of(a will)by probate.


  •       Establisha structure and (a) programme(s) to implement the policy and achieve objectives and targets.


  •       I suggest (that) weestablishMr. Jeffrey as our representative.


  •       The organization shallestablisharrangements for these processes including use of specific methods and procedures, as applicable.


  •       Foreign trade dealers mayestablishor join Chambers of Commerce for Importers and Exporters in accordance with law.


  •       He failed toestablishhis charge.


  •       To meet this burden, the generator defendants had toestablishthat the environmental harm at [the site] was divisible among responsible parties.


  •       It can take as long as eight days to rig up rope ladders and toestablishsupply bases before a descent can be made into a very deep cave.


  •       The Autonomous Region shallestablishGuangxi Financing Guarantee Fund.


  •       So he decided to get the estate and the money. His first act was toestablishhimself as near the Hall as possible.


  •       And mayestablishsuch additional Committees with such functions as it may deem appropriate.


  •       These subsidiary bodies shallestablishtheir respective rules of procedure subject to the approval of their respective Councils.


  •       China' s car-buying craze began when Chinese manufacturers cut prices in 2002 in order toestablisha market share.


  •       Courts have frequently used extrinsic aids toestablishlegislative intension.


  •       Build (or forge) ties of sister cities;establisha link as sister cities;establishsister city ties.


  •       There are reasons for believing that it requires ages toestablishthe art of cultivation, and render farinaceous food a principal reliance.


  •       Over the next few years we are going toestablisha preliminary price system so that we can compete in the world market.


  •       ToestablishGuangxi Financing Guarantee Fund.


  •       Recognizing the need toestablishan agreed international framework of rights and obligations of both user Members and exporter Members.


  •       Can weestablishyour preference on the question of the agenda ?.


  •       Our business have become so extended,we haveestablisha branch under the style of Tokyo - ya.


  •       It adopts SCR with large power toestablishthe voltage adjustment circuit, so the AC motor can be started with low voltage.


  •       The organization shallestablishand maintain procedures for controlling all documents required by this standard to ensure that:they can be located.
