

      n. 妥协,折衷,折衷案

      v. 妥协处理,危害

      v. 妥协,让步





  •       Somecompromisebetween the psychological and pecuniary consideration must therefore be sought.


  •       A Badcompromiseis better than a good lawsuit.


  •       Tocompromiseone’s principles for some scanty material reward.


  •       The Indemnified Party shall be entitled to undertake the defense,compromiseor settlement of such claim at the expense of the Indemnifying Party.


  •       Both nations desired peace, but neither would acceptcompromise.


  •       Acompromisemust be reached between the "thinness" of the surface larger examined and the intensity of the infrared spectrum obtained.


  •       The final proposals were a rather unsuccessfulcompromisebetween the need for profitability and the demands of local conservationists.


  •       Interactions that are classified as adverse eithercompromisetherapeutic efficacy, enhance toxicity, or both.


  •       The incongruous design is acompromisebetween high tech and early American.


  •       An agenda that does not smack ofcompromise.


  •       Compromisesb.'s reputation.


  •       Let'scompromise. How about making it a Dutch treat?


  •       These men were willing tocompromisewith austria.


  •       A file that contains malicious programming instructions could damage or otherwisecompromisethe contents of your computer.


  •       Swearing was invented as acompromisebetween running away and fighting. --Finley Deter Dunne. American journalist and humorist.


  •       In Ireland there is so little sense ofcompromisethat a girl has to choose between perpetual adoration and perpetual pregnancy.


  •       Getting a big promotion at workdoes present certain lessons,like trust andcompromise.


  •       They found it wiser tocompromisewith her.


  •       The negotiations had reached an impasse,with both sides refusing tocompromise.


  •       His offers ofcompromisewere mere rhetoric.


  •       The discussion eventuated in acompromise.


  •       I must notcompromisemy honour.


  •       It is impossible to design a gyroscope which would meet all these requirements, and acompromiseis always necessary.


  •       Situation apparently turning favorable buyer wily tocompromiseupon your assurance as above.


  •       Compromise,ruin sb's reputation.


  •       Let'scompromiseand each pays the half damages.


  •       Acompromisemay break the deadlock between the union and management.


  •       I am prepared to take some concessions on minor details, but I cannotcompromiseon fundamentals.


  •       Give and take;compromise.


  •       I don't think it's necessary for you tocompromisewith him.
