
英语词汇网 2015年04月07日




      1. 接受:

      She accepted his gift. 她接受了他送的礼物。

      To accept their offer would be foolish. 接受他们的帮助是愚蠢的。

      2. 同意,赞同:

      I can’t accept you as my assistant. 你做我的助手我不能认可。

      3. 认为,相信:

      The teacher didn’t accept his reasons for being late. 老师不相信他迟到的理由。

      4. 接收:

      The college I applied to has accepted me. 我报了名的学院已经录取我了。



      Growing old is something a man has to accept. 逐渐衰老是任何人都得承认的事实。


      1. 其后可接名词或代词作宾语,但一般不接不定式:

      He asked her to marry him and she accepted him. 他向她求婚,她同意了。(一般不说...and she accepted to marry him,不过若说成…and she agreed to marry him则可以。)

      2. 表示承认某事实或接受某情况(尤指坏的情况)时,其后可直接跟that从句,也可在that从句前加上the fact:

      For a long time, he simply could not accept (the fact) that she was dead. 有很长一段时间他都难以接受她已经死了。

      3. 表示“接受”时可用作及物或不及物动词,所以类似下面这样的用法,其后的it可以省略

      We offered him a lift, but he didn’t accept (it). 我们建议他搭我们的车,但他没有接受。

      【用法辨析】accept, receive 收到

      accept指主观上接受,receive指客观上收到:He received the gift, but he did not accept it. 他收到这件礼物,但没有接受。但是,汉语说“接受良好教育”,说成英语不能是accept a good education,可改用动词receive。
