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  1. 木板面、无靠背的坐具。多为狭长形。




  1. 法学

    wooden bench or stool



  1. bench

    Hotel词汇大全-乌鲁木齐中考网 - WWW.W... ... stool 凳子 bench 板凳 tea table 茶几 ...

  2. Stools

    特色业务->新增分类1 ... 非医用水压床 Beds (Hydrostatic [water] –) not for medical purposes 板凳 Stools 搁脚凳 Footstools ...

  3. wooden bench

    家具词汇词汇 ... wooden bed frame strung with crisscross coir ropes 棕绷床 wooden bench(/stool) 板凳 writing desk 写字台 ...

  4. taburete

    [西语学习] 常见小商品的西语表达 ... sillòn扶手椅 taburete板凳 papel pintado墙纸 ...

  5. 网络短语
  6. 坐板凳

    Wooden bench | on the bench

  7. 板凳深度

    Depth | BENCH ORDER | bench depth | Bench Strength

  8. 甲板凳

    deck bench

  9. 低板凳

    lower thwart | lower punch thwart

  10. 板凳果

    Pachysandra axillaris | Pachysandra axillaris Franch | china spurge pachysandra

  11. 板凳匪首

    Bandit chieftain

  12. 钢板凳

    steel bench

  13. 板凳队员

    The Benchwarmers | The Benchwprovideers

  14. 条板凳

    slat seat



  1. 小牛有每年改造阵容的记录,可是去年夏天,他们选择了一种更微妙的方式来升级板凳,而没有破坏“化学反应”。

    The Mavs have a record of annually reshaping their roster, but last summer they took a more subtle approach by upgrading the bench without disrupting the chemistry.

  2. 在第二个星期最后几天中的一天,马吕斯照常坐在他的板凳上,手里拿着一本书,打开已经两个钟头了,却一页还没有翻过。 他忽然吃了一惊。

    On one of the last days of the second week, Marius was seated on his bench, as usual, holding in his hand an open book, of which he had not turned a page for the last two hours.

  3. 当一个中世纪的借款人无法偿还他的债务,他的板凳被砸成两半,有时是在他头上砸的。

    When a medieval moneylender could not pay his debts, his bench was broken in two, sometimes over his head.




“板凳”是个多义词,它可以指板凳(网络用词), 板凳(苗族乐器), 板凳(家具), 板凳(博彩用语), 板凳(影视角色)。