
英语分级阅读 2024年01月22日 08:52:23




      Brownie Beaver1 could do many things that other forest-people (except his own relations) were not able to do at all. For instance2, cutting down a tree was something that nobody but one of the Beaver family would think of attempting. But as for Brownie Beaver—if he ever saw a tree that he wanted to cut down he set to work at once, without even going home to get any tools. And the reason for that was that he always had his tools with him. For strange as it may seem, he used his teeth to do all his wood-cutting.

      The first thing to be done when you set out to fell a tree with your teeth is to strip3 off the bark around the bottom of the trunk, so that a white band encircles it. At least, that was the way Brownie Beaver always began. And no doubt he knew what he was about.

      After he had removed the band of bark Brownie began to gnaw4 away chips of wood, where the white showed. And as he gnawed5, he slowly sidled round and round the tree, until at last only the heart of the tree was left to keep the tree from toppling over.

      Then Brownie Beaver would stop his gnawing6 and look all about, to pick out a place where he wanted the tree to fall. And as soon as Brownie had made up his mind about that, he quickly gnawed a few more chips out of the heart of the tree on the side toward7 the spot where he intended it to come toppling down upon the ground.

      Brownie Beaver would not have to gnaw long before the tree would begin to lean8. All the time it leaned9 more and more. And the further over it sagged10, the faster it tipped. Luckily, Brownie Beaver always knew just the right moment to jump out of the way before the tree fell.

      If you had ever seen him you might have thought he was frightened, because he never failed to run away and hide as the tree crashed down with a sound almost like thunder.

      But Brownie was not at all frightened. He was merely11 careful. Knowing what a loud noise the falling tree would make, and that it might lead a man (or some other enemy) to come prowling around, to see what had happened, Brownie used to stay hidden until he felt quite sure that no one was going to trouble him.

      You can understand that waiting, as he did, was no easy matter when you stop to remember that one of Brownie's reasons for cutting down a tree was that he wanted to eat the tender12 bark to be found in the tree-top. It was exactly like knowing your dinner was on the table, all ready for you, and having to hide in some dark corner for half an hour, before going into the dining-room. You know how hungry you would get, if you had to do that.

      Well, Brownie Beaver used to get just as hungry as any little boy or girl. How he did tear at the bark, when he finally began to eat! And how full he stuffed13 his mouth! And how he did enjoy his meal! But everybody will admit that he had a right to enjoy his dinner, for he certainly worked hard enough to get it.

      4级    儿童故事  初级阅读  英文小说 

      单词标签: beaver  instance  strip  gnaw  gnawed  gnawing  toward  lean  leaned  sagged  merely  tender  stuffed 


      1beaver [ˈbi:və(r)]   第8级



  •       The hat is made of beaver. 这顶帽子是海狸毛皮制的。
  •       A beaver is an animals with big front teeth. 海狸是一种长着大门牙的动物。

      2instance [ˈɪnstəns]   第5级



  •       Can you quote me a recent instance? 你能给我举一个最近的例子吗?
  •       He's a greedy boy, yesterday, for instance, he ate all our biscuits! 他是个贪吃的孩子――比如,他昨天把我们的饼干都吃了!

      3strip [strɪp]   第5级

      n.长条,条状;脱衣舞;vt.脱衣,剥夺;拆卸;去除(烟叶的茎);vi. 脱去衣服


  •       I need one more strip of cloth to finish this decoration. 我还要一根布条来完成这个装饰品。
  •       We had to strip the old paint from the doors. 我们只好把门上的旧漆刮掉。

      4gnaw [nɔ:]   第9级



  •       Dogs like to gnaw on a bone. 狗爱啃骨头。
  •       A rat can gnaw a hole through wood. 老鼠能啃穿木头。

      5gnawed [nɑ:d]   第9级

      咬( gnaw的过去式和过去分词 ); (长时间) 折磨某人; (使)苦恼; (长时间)危害某事物


  •       His attitude towards her gnawed away at her confidence. 他对她的态度一直在削弱她的自尊心。
  •       The root of this dead tree has been gnawed away by ants. 这棵死树根被蚂蚁唼了。

      6gnawing ['nɔ:iŋ]   第9级



  •       The dog was gnawing a bone. 那狗在啃骨头。
  •       These doubts had been gnawing at him for some time. 这些疑虑已经折磨他一段时间了。

      7toward [tə'wɔ:d]   第5级



  •       Suddenly I saw a tall figure approaching toward the policeman. 突然间我看到一个高大的身影朝警察靠近。
  •       Upon seeing her, I smiled and ran toward her. 看到她我笑了,并跑了过去。

      8lean [li:n]   第4级



  •       The seats have no back against which to lean. 这些座位都没有靠背可倚。
  •       Please don't lean your chair back, you'll break it. 请不要坐在椅子上往后仰,你会把椅子弄坏的。

      9leaned [lent]   第4级

      v.(使)倾斜,屈身( lean的过去式和过去分词 );倚;依赖;使斜靠


  •       He leaned forward, his hands clasped tightly together. 他俯身向前,双手十字交错地紧握着。
  •       He leaned back, exulting at the success of his plan. 他向后一靠,为自己计划成功而得意扬扬。

      10sagged [sægd]   第9级



  •       The black reticule sagged under the weight of shapeless objects. 黑色的拎包由于装了各种形状的东西而中间下陷。
  •       He sagged wearily back in his chair. 他疲倦地瘫坐到椅子上。

      11merely [ˈmɪəli]   第4级



  •       Your scheme is merely a castle in the air. 你的计划只不过是空中楼阁。
  •       You merely caused a crash by cutting in on me like that! 你那样超我的车,差一点就撞车了!

      12tender [ˈtendə(r)]   第5级



  •       At the tender age of seventeen I left home. 早在十七岁的小小年纪,我就离开了家。
  •       We were sent to boarding school at a tender age. 很小的时候我们就被送到了寄宿学校。

      13stuffed [stʌft]   第5级

      adj.充满的;饱的v.塞住( stuff的过去式和过去分词 );把…装进;把…装满;(使)吃撑


  •       stuffed animals in glass cases 玻璃柜里的动物标本
  •       I was stuffed to the gills with chocolate cake. 我嘴里塞满了巧克力蛋糕。 来自《简明英汉词典》