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At Lucy's first evening party, young Torry fatigued his facial muscles more than usual in order that "the dark-eyed girl there in the corner" might see him in all the additional style conferred by his eyeglass; and several young ladies went home intending to have short sleeves with black lace, and to plait their hair in a broad coronet at the back of their head,—"That cousin of Miss Deane's looked so very well.


" She folded herself in the large chair, and leaned her head against it in fatigued quiescence, while Tantripp went away wondering at this strange contrariness in her young mistress—that just the morning when she had more of a widow's face than ever, she should have asked for her lighter mourning which she had waived before.


" The friends were not able to get together for any confidential discourse till all the dancing was over; but then, as they walked about the room arm in arm, Isabella thus explained herself: "I do not wonder at your surprise; and I am really fatigued to death.

迷人四月天:Chapter 5

They both, he noticed sympathetically, had white faces, fatigued faces, and they both had big eyes, fatigued eyes.


I often reached home too fatigued to do anything except fall into bed and sleep until morning.


Throughout the shifts, the nurses reported how fatigued they felt at regular intervals.


Wired and fatigued - You've maybe had too much coffee but can't sleep.


Not drinking enough water can show up on your skin, causing it to become fatigued and less plump.


Don't study for too long at once, and when your alarm goes off, take a deliberate break, or you'll feel fatigued and will begin easily losing focus.


Don't study for too long at once, and when your alarm goes off, take a deliberate break, or you'll feel fatigued and will begin easily losing focus.


In a University of Georgia study, sedentary but otherwise healthy adults who began exercising lightly three days a week for as little as 20 minutes at a time reported feeling less fatigued and more energized after six weeks.


In a University of Georgia study, sedentary but otherwise healthy adults who began exercising lightly three days a week for just 20 minutes reported feeling less fatigued and more energised after six weeks.


Wired and fatigued - You've maybe had too much coffee but can't sleep.


Just thinking about being warm led subjects to feel more fatigued, which put them in less-than-cheerful moods.


"At first I had mild symptoms, I noticed when I switched to a cordless phone my ear would burn, and when I tried to use my laptop using WiFi I became very fatigued so I resorted back to using a wired up connection," Hinks said.


I often reached home too fatigued to do anything except fall into bed and sleep until morning.


When Liu Bei saw Ma Chao and his army became fatigued, he ordered Zhang Fei to take on the challenge.


Neuroscience research shows that being mentally fatigued can make you an impulsive shopper.


But if your sleep is interrupted, you're likely to feel fatigued and sleepy the next day.

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