
奥迪亚助听器 Apherma

  奥迪亚是一家专业的助听器生产,助听器制造,助听器销售商。上个世纪末在世界高科技的圣殿---美国硅谷成立,公司成立以来荟萃了一大批业绩卓著的医学、声学、听力学、生物医学工程、电子工程及集成电路设计专家,一直致力于高端数字助听器芯片的研发,开发出了拥有十多项自主知识产权专利的独具特色的高科技全数字助听器芯片。如今成为领先世界的全数字助听器开发商、制造商之一。 2001年奥迪亚在中国成立了全资子公司---奥迪亚(北京)科技有限公司。公司非常重视中国广大听力师与听障人士的意见和需求,在开发了世界首台全数字盒式助听器的基础上,又加大研发力度,研制出全数字六通道AAB52系列耳背机,使中国广大的听障人士买得起全数字助听器成为现实。

  English Information

  Apherma Corporation was established in the Silicon Valley of California in 2000. Apherma designs, develops, manufactures, and markets advanced digital hearing devices.Using the latest state-of-the-art technologies, Apherma is able to provide products with superior sound quality and low power consumption at extremely competitive prices. Apherma is committed to delivering the most advanced digital hearing products and services through extensive ongoing research.

  Using a Biological Calibration method. Apherma offers an Online Hearing Test which is the first patented Internet technology that allows anyone from around the world to conveniently check their hearing. Apherma has now given people the opportunity to check their hearing from the privacy of their own home.

  With an extraordinary team of award winning engineers in low-power IC design and sound processing technology, Apherma is in a position to emerge as a hearing industry leader. Our success is measured by the positive impact our hearing devices provide our customers. We provide "Natural" sound quality through the "Art of Hearing Technology."

  Contact Us

  440 N. Wolfe Road Sunnyvale, CA 94085

  Phone: 408 524-1634

  Fax: 408 524-1635

  Email: Infoapherma
更 新:2021-5-29
