Jones Bootmaker品牌专区

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Jones Bootmaker Jones Bootmaker

Jones Bootmaker
Jones Bootmaker品牌专区
  The company was established in 1857 and currently has over 100 branches throughout the UK. The company has expanded into most of the key retail outlets as well as high profile units within London.


   Jones Bootmaker always endeavours to provide customers with both quality products and services, and prides itself in offering the highest level of in-store customer service. Our customers are important to us and we aim to offer every customer the very highest level of care and attention. This doesn't stop once a sale is made, our after sales care is second to none.


   Jones Bootmaker recognises the value of our employees in providing the successful long-term development of our business. We endeavour to provide a happy working environment for all and are proud of our 'Investors in People' award.

  Contact us on Free Phone 0800 163 519
更 新:2021-5-29

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