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24-04-14 13:14发布于 四川 来自 微博网页版
生活中,我们渴望被人欣赏,却往往忽略了欣赏别人。更多时候,我们善于发现别人的缺点,乐于放大自己的优点,甚至在别人的不幸中找到自己的庆幸。然而,欣赏是相互的,要想被人欣赏,就得先去欣赏别人;只有欣赏别人,才会被人欣赏。人生路上需要用真诚的心灵去欣赏,而不是用好奇的眼光去打量。Most of us long to be admired, yet often neglect to appreciateothers. More often, we can easily point out others’ faults while alsomagnifying our own good points. Sometimes we even feel happy when othersencounter misfortune. However, appreciation should be mutual; if we want othersto appreciate us, we must do the same. In fact, it is only when we appreciateothers that we can in turn be appreciated. In life we should aim to appreciateothers with a sincere heart and mind, and not to simply size others up withcurious eyes.
