24-04-11 12:32 发布于 泰国 来自 微博网页版
生活中有一种人,很在乎别人对他的看法,完全以别人的评价为行事准则。别人说好,他就按人家的想法和意愿去做。别人说不好,他就会后悔、恐慌、自责。记得有句名言说:人的第一天职是什么?答案很简单:做自己。做人首先要做自己,只有认清自己,把握好自己的命运,才能实现自己的人生价值。There is a kind of person who caresa lot what others think, and lives life completely dependent on others’ normsand criteria. If other people say something is good, she will do it; if otherssay something is bad, she will feel regret, fear, and will blame herself forher actions. Remember this: “What is one’s duty in life? The answer is simple:be yourself.” Indeed, to be a human means to be oneself, to recognize oneselfclearly, take control of one’s own life. In this way one can realize the valueof one’s own life.
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