
微博 2024年04月07日 11:15

      要学会调整情绪,凡事尽量往好的方面想。很多人遇到一些难以解决的事情时,就会很多抱怨,很烦躁,结果因为把握不好情绪,往往将简单的事情复杂化,复杂的事情变得更难。当我们遇到棘手的事情时,一定要先控制好情绪,让自己能够冷静思考,并且你越往好的方面想,心就越开,越往坏的方面想,心就越窄。We need to learn to manage ourmoods, and do our best to keep our thoughts going in a positive direction. Whenencountering difficult situations, many people will complain and becomeagitated; the result of this is that because they do not have a hold on theiremotions, simple things become complicated and complicated things become moredifficult to handle. During difficult situations it is imperative tocontrol emotions and be cool-headed. Thinking positively will broadenyour perspective, and negative thinking will make it narrower.