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24-04-9 12:44发布于 泰国 来自 微博网页版
每当疲惫的时候,就请停下脚步,遥想追逐的远方,汲取力量再上路。每当困惑的时候,就请停下脚步,梳理纷乱的思绪,驱走迷茫再上路。每当痛苦的时候,就请停下脚步,抚平心中的伤口,擦干眼泪再上路。每当放弃的时候,就请停下脚步,作出艰难的取舍,打起精神再上路。有时我们停下脚步,只为走得更远。When you become weary, simply stop and rest awhile, thinkof your far off destination, and then dip into your reserves and set off again.When you become confused, stop and rest awhile, put your chaotic thoughts inorder, shake off your haziness, and set off again. When you feel saddened, stopand rest, heal your heart’s wounds, wipe your tears dry, and set off again.When you want to give up, stop and rest, make a difficult choice, and give yourselfthe spirit to set off again. Sometimes when we stop for awhile, it is becausewe are preparing to go even further.
