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24-04-6 09:38发布于 四川 来自 微博网页版
人生有三种苦:你得不到,所以痛苦;得到了,却不过如此,也会觉得痛苦;轻易地放弃了,后来却发现原来它在你生命中是那么重要,所以觉得痛苦。既然,得不到、得到了、放弃时都会痛苦,何不把人生的得失看轻一些,保持一颗平常心,痛苦不就会随之而减轻吗?以一颗平常心看待得失,完全可以不苦。There are three kinds of suffering in life: you cannot getwhat you want, so you suffer; you get what you want, but it’s not how youthought it would be, so you suffer; you casually give up on something, laterrealizing what you gave up was actually something very important. Since notobtaining your desire; getting it; and giving it up all cause suffering, whynot take life’s gains and losses less seriously? Keep your heart calm, andsuffering will lesson. Keeping one’s self mind level when encountering gainsand losses can eliminate suffering in life.
