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24-04-26 11:08发布于 新西兰 来自 iPhone 13 Pro

An American judge walks out of his chambers laughing his head off. A colleague approaches him and asks why he is laughing. "I just heard the funniest joke in the world!" "Well, go ahead, tell me!" says the other judge. "Are you nuts?– I just gave someone five years for it because of antisemitism!”

A student of Columbia University accidentally falls in river, he called for help but two officers from NYPD turned a blind eye to him. The student then yelled “down with Israel!”
The officers were panic and jumped straight into the water to grab the student onshore and evict him from the campus.

A Columbia University Student lost his talking parrot. He tweeted a post on X, saying “I declare that my pet parrot is missing. Please return it to me if anyone finds it. P.s. I officially disagree its comment on Israel.”

“Imagine you are in a Columbia Uni lecture room, and there is a man sits next to you and says nothing, what would you do?”
“Immediately stop him and tip-off this kind of Hamas behavior!”

A Jewish man sneaked into a pro-Israel campaign and wanted to see how many of the students in Columbia Uni supports Israel. A student next to him slap his shoulder and said, “Are you nut? Why aren’t you applauding? You wanna be arrested by FBI?”

A man was arrested for spreading antisemitist and anti-Israel flyers in Columbia Uni. On court, the Judge mentioned to the Prosecutor that those flyers were actually blank.
“We all know what would be printed on those flyers!”The Prosecutor shouted.

一个很多年前从约旦河西岸搬到曼哈顿的老人看到一张照片就说像自己死去的外甥。别人训斥她:瞎说什么,这是尊敬的内塔尼亚胡先生。老太:他是干什么的? 答:他赶跑了哈马斯恐怖分子。老太急切地问:那他能不能把西岸的犹太人也赶跑啊?
An old woman who moved to Manhattan from the West Bank many years ago, pointed to a photo and said the man in the photo looks like her dead nephew. “Bullshit, this is honorable Prime Minister Netanyahu!” Said another man.
“What does he do?” The old woman asked.
“He drove away all of the Hamas terrorists.”
The old woman asked hopefully, “Then, can he drives away all of the Jewish terrorists from the West Bank too?”

A student in Columbia Uni complained, “damn government!” He was arrested by FBI because of this. He then argued, “you can’t do this to me. I didn’t mention it is the American government.”
“Shut up!” The FBI yelled, “you think I don’t know what the damn government you said is referred to?”

以色列邮政部门发行历届领导人纪念邮票, 发行没1个月,以色列邮政部门宣布紧急停止使用该邮票。理由是:寄信人不知道往哪面吐唾沫。
The American Postal Services releases a stamp with a picture of Prime Minister Netanyahu as an example of the loyal support to the Israeli government. But the stamps had to be recalled not long after the release. 
The stamp is in perfect order. There is nothing wrong with the adhesive. The fact is, people are spitting on the wrong side.

A Columbia Uni student called Netanyahu a “lunatic mass murder”. He was sentenced for 122 years imprisonment. 2 years for insulting Israeli Prime Minister. 20 years for divulging the top classified mental health condition of the Israeli Prime Minister. 100 years for leaking out the American and Israeli secret plan to Palestinian people.

内塔尼亚胡对舒默(纽约州联邦参议员)说:“我知道你在传播我的笑话,这很无礼。” “为什么?” “因为我是爱好和平的犹太人,而且我是以色列总理。” “天地良心,我没和任何人讲过这个笑话。”
Netanyahu met American Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer and said, "I know you spread jokes about me. It's impertinent."
"I am a Peace-loving person and Great Prime Minister of the Israeli people after all."
"No, I swear that I've not told anybody this joke."

