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肯豆有约50分专访 OBlueKendallJenner
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S03E04 OBlueKendallJenner...展开全文c
置顶 【壕豆字幕组】跟金卡戴珊逛4万平方英尺的SKKN工作室| RoomTour 整个设计无一不透露着极简裸色风格紧密贴合品牌理念 [憧憬] 前厅维持家庭与工作平衡的方式 杂志墙边细数当年点滴[爱你]最重要是能与热辣的老板共事谁会不羡慕呢
#宝藏二创榜# #Kim Kardashian# #Kendall Jenner# ​​​​ ​​​​...展开全文c
美恐剧情update:奥斯卡颁奖典礼现场, 金卡戴珊帮助爱玛罗伯茨(剧中饰演Anna Victoria Alcott)冲刺小金人[哇] ​​​​
金卡戴珊:We heard you: the SKIMS App is finally here! Shop your favorite brand from your back pocket. Download now on iOS or Android. LBlueKendallJenner的微博视频 ​​​​
卡戴珊大姐夫travis barker:Happy Birthday to my beautiful wife, soulmate and best friend forever. I love you, I love our life together. Thank you for being the most amazing wife a person could ask for. Here’s to many more years of adventures together ❤️‍🔥 ​​​​
Kylie Jenner:POWDER BLUSH STICKS i’m sooo excited and proud of our new innovative cream-to-powder formula. she gives the most beauuutiful and effortless color payoff leaving the perfect blurred soft-matte finish. ahh i can’t wait to share with you guys on APRIL 24 ​​​​...展开全文c
亿万富翁Kylie Jenner的大别墅的建造已接近尾声:三年前凯莉豪掷1,500w美金买下土地,并交由加拿大顶级建筑师Richard Landry负责设计👑 ​​​​
4/17/24: 金卡戴珊在加州大学洛杉矶分校建校五周年的纪念活动上致辞,同妹妹Khloe共同出席了由已故父亲的名字命名的大楼(UCLA Robert G.Kardashian Center for Esophageal Health)的庆祝活动 [心] LBlueKendallJenner的微博视频 ​​​​
Maura模仿卡戴珊太后Kris现身洛杉矶科切拉音乐节 💙身着蓝色皮草大衣上演真假Kris戏码[笑cry] ​​​​
