我刚刚在直播间向 @通货朋仗 提出问题“3年前投资通州武夷融御的房子,是不是要尽快出手?现在卖出价可能已经低于成本价了。”,快来看看吧~ O通货朋仗的微博直播 ​​​​
汤姆汉克斯在哈佛大学2023届毕业典礼演讲 Tom Hanks delivers the Commencement Address at Harvard
有三个地方印象特别深刻,一是汤姆幽默的开头(随后单独摘抄); 二是他的一句话 All of us are able,none of us are super. 这句话简单、平凡、真实而有力量;三是主持人在汤姆演讲结束时一句感言,That ​​​​...展开全文c
The five things I wish I was told the graduation I never attended.
1.Your life isn't a one act play.
2.You are never too smart to be confused.
Embracing what you don't know instead of focusing on what you do konw.
以乐高拼搭的兰花开始我的微博之旅吧! ​​​​