作文+书写 2


      假定你是李华,正在和家人在新西兰旅游。请根据以下要点,给你的美国笔友珍妮 (Jenny)写一封电子邮件告知你的旅游情况:1.美景:原始森林、海滩;2.活动:观光飞机、极限跳伞;3.朋友:新西兰人很友好,结识了一些朋友。


      参考词汇:原始森林 primeval forests 观光飞机scenic flights 极限跳伞 sky diving Dear Jenny,

      We haven’t written to each other for some time.How are you doing?

      My family and I are travelling in New Zealand now.It’s really a fantastic journey with beautiful natural scenery and exciting activities.We have visited wonderful primeval forests and charming beaches,by which we were struck.The outdoor adventure activities such as scenic flights and sky diving impressed me a ’ve made some friends here.It’s sure to be an unforgettable experience for me.

      Best wishes,


      Li Hua

