

      [英 [djuˈres] 美 [duˈres] ]


duress 基本解释



duress 网络解释

      1. duress的反义词

      1. 强迫:胁迫(强迫) (Duress)F. 不正当的影响 (Undue influence)G. 错误 ( Mistake )(4) 部分给付( Quantum meruit- as much as he has earned ) 理论﹐来自默示的承诺﹐即一方接受了对方已完成的约因 ( 即已完成的履行 )﹐默示地承诺付给对方合理的报酬.

      2. 强制:1.主人本身使用-必须考量到铠甲轻重,以免影响跑速与精力消耗度,超强15%ED最为适宜 2.各章节佣兵使用-但因为佣兵使用并不会扣耐久,故使用高防御的无形暴防铠甲为最佳选择 1.强制 (Duress) 使用防具-三洞铠

      3. 束缚:( 束缚(Duress),饥渴(Famine)和典范(Pattern) )- 增加新的稀有物品(Rare)&魔法物品(Magic)的属性字眼. - 稀有物品(Rare)现在如果允许, 一定会有六个属性. - 增强工艺制品(Craft Item)的能力. -小幅度(Slightly)增加赌到套装(Set)和独特(Unique)物品的机率.

duress 双语例句

      1. My expert`s advice was not only to end the excessive support going out, but in all fairness, to get back some of what I had been strong-armed into paying out under duress.


      2. So that the keeping a man against his will in a private house, putting him in the stocks, arresting or forcibly detaining him in the street, is an imprisonment.35 And the law so much discourages unlawful confinement, that if a man is under duress of imprisonment, which we before explained to mean a compulsion by an illegal restraint of liberty, until he seals a bond or the like; he may allege this duress, and avoid the extorted bond.


      3. duress什么意思

      3. If there is something that you have to do, resist the temptation to do it under duress.


      4. duress

      4. I never wanted to perform. Under duress I introduced some of my films.


      5. And even then, only under duress.


      6. duress的翻译

      6. He says he signed the contract under duress.


      7. His team can turn to when under duress and trust that good things will happen.


      8. I am special collect correct explanation is compared about concept of PR hold sb under duress on the network.



      9. In such cases a resulting contract may be voidable because of fraud, duress, mistake, or other invalidating cause.


      10. But the merriment, this way of talking and drinking which seemed to me to be in the other guests the effects of dissoluteness, habit and duress, appeared with Marguerite to be a need to forget, a restlessness, a nervous reaction.


      11. Sha Mian: In former days Guangzhou foreigner street actor's opening words light tower Lu Hesha the surface street birth all once with foreigner related was a Chinese earliest guest street; Was foreigner's once independence small kingdom is the market is prosperous, the Tang Dynasty royal government assigned outside lived abroad; Is depends upon under the military force despotic power protection, foreigner's heaven the downtown which is the merchant converges; Is the static plan in advance life housing plot; Along with historical runner historical site mostly already; But another actually preserves complete, today already is Guangzhou tourist attraction Sha Mianjie and the light tower road and the foreigner closely is connected, but the body place different time, two streets destinies were different, was the Tang Dynasty prosperous times feudalism dynasty initiative opening territory, has demonstrated the economical powerful nation confidence and the attraction; Under another actually is the big powers dependence iron artillery foreign-made small arms military force holds under duress the product, these two streets destiny, is China develops foreign relations in the history two miniatures.


      12. In equity, consent represents making a voluntary choice that means the election has to be made freely, without duress or deception of any form.


      13. Another fact of physiology, the human body when in extreme duress begins to shut down.


      14. One week later, the Tsar abdicated under duress and the First Provisional Government took control of the country.



      15. Eckhardt enthused, In my book that was Rich`s best trade ever because he did it under maximum duress.


      16. Generally speaking, you have to prove you signed it under duress, or that you were a victim of fraud or incomplete disclosure. Philandering doesn't count.


      17. duress是什么意思

      17. CNN cannot confirm that Turney wrote the letter or, if she did, whether she was forced to write it under duress.

      CNN 不能确认 Turney 是否写了这封信,如果她写了,她是否是在强迫下写的这封信。

      18. duress

      18. Although Gordon Willis did not like when I asked to have two cameras you see that two camera work if you know how spat that using long lens and I was desperately try to get all these by Tarantellas, by all these characters, introduce them and yet had to do it under duress, and the fact we won`t finish, they ordered me either finish the wedding by end of third day or just not finish yet, use what I had.


      19. Under more duress, it always found the right gear and was prompt to downshift when called upon.


      20. Accomplice under duress's legislation changes along with the criminal policy change, mainly is stems from splits up criminal.


duress 词典解释

      1. 胁迫;强迫

      To do something under duress means to do it because someone forces you to do it or threatens you.


      e.g. He thought her confession had been made under duress.


duress 单语例句

      1. Families who were able to carry out proper burials did so under duress.

      2. Asian financial institutions'negligible exposure to the West's toxic assets also means that governments are not under duress to shore up their banking systems.

      3. It doesn't take too many beers before even the guy dragged in under duress is clearing his throat.

      4. China has agreed to contribute $ 350 million to the IDB to bolster key programs at a time when the world economy is under duress.

      5. Even under such mental and physical duress Qu never lost his love for the kingdom and his people.

      6. He said that a confession he signed at Guantanamo Bay was executed " by coercion, and under duress ".

      7. The accuser's mother claims a video she recorded praising Jackson was made under duress and that every word was from a script.

duress 英英释义


      1. compulsory force or threat

      e.g. confessed under duress