

      [英 [kɪd] 美 [kɪd] ]


      过去式:kidded;   现在分词:kidding;   复数形式:kids;

kid 基本解释


      名词小孩; 小山羊,小山羊皮制品


      形容词较年幼的; 小山羊皮制的


kid 相关例句


      1. His kid sister is seven.



      1. They kidded him about his paunch.


      2. I'm not kidding you.



      1. I was only kidding.



      1. The gloves were made of kid.


kid 网络解释

      1. 少年:问题十二:非常崇拜Neo的少年(kid)是谁?Kid应该是黑客帝国动画版(Animatrix)之少年故事(Kids Story)的那个少年,在那个故事中,他也是连接到Matrix的人类中反抗意识较强的,Neo给他电话,最终他释放自己的心灵,

      2. kid:key industry duty; 主要工业税收

kid 双语例句


      1. When I was a little kid, my parents would always play Amy Grant's songs at Christmas, so her songs still bring back all my childhood Christmas memories.

      当我还是孩子的时候,我的父母就经常在圣诞节演奏Amy Grant的歌,所以她的歌还能把我带回童年关于圣诞的回忆。

      2. I`d have let our kid live on a bit longer.


      3. When I was a kid in China, I used to come across story books which describe about the living in the forest of Russia, chum salmon which move in reverse current, brown bear which catching chum salmon in the stream, all these are good memories.


      4. Begins to take his kid salmon en croute It what-look, I don't-y ou know what


      5. As a kid, what was one of the most dangerous things you've ever done?


      6. In any case, don't kid yourself into thinking stock dividends and bond interest are interchangeable.


      7. kid的意思

      7. He seems overmatched and nervous. Henn is a nice kid who tries hard but has a 7.53 career ERA over parts of three seasons. Wright allowed a home run to Mike Lowell in April that just now landed on the Mass Pike. That was the end of him.

      他看来实力有段差距并且容易紧张;Sean Henn是个努力的好孩子,但他3个球季的ERA 高达7.53;Chase Wright在四月份被红袜的Mike Lowell打的那支全垒打搞不好现在还留在Mass Pike。

      8. kid什么意思

      8. He has a marvelous understanding of words and the Times crossword puzzle is kid's stuff for him.


      9. Tom: Yeah, I could never bawl out my kid like that.


      10. The only other horror of the barber business is squirmy kid.


      11. kid

      11. Kid gloves are standard issue in this outfit.


      12. There is one kid who has very bright red hair and very fair skin.


      13. The very raw sound fits perfectly within the rather limited musical spectrum of the band just as the screamy vocals of new kid on the block Kenny Winter.


      14. The pocket money in the child's hand is more and more, formerly the parents give the children's pocket money, request them the savings get up until the children have already need and know how to spend just use; The society in nowadays is a merchandise society, many parents give kid the purpose of the pocket money let them master and as early as possible adapt a society.


      15. We never really got into a lot of the stories about when he was a kid: how he came up, how he became a Paladin, just who he really was.


      16. kid的反义词

      16. Apropos of his father, he can't make it for sure whether or not he will accept both him and his kid.

      至于他的父亲,他不敢肯定他是否回接受他和他的小孩 8。


      17. The kid has a persecution complex. He thinks'everyone is landing on him.



      18. Political prosecution; witch huntThe kid has a persecution complex. He thinks'everyone is landing on him.


      19. kid在线翻译

      19. Little kid, it seems that you are over-confid ent about your charm.


      20. Is the teacher in my kid`s class last semester going to the next level with the same class?


kid 词典解释

      1. 小孩

      You can refer to a child as a kid .

      e.g. They've got three kids...


      e.g. All the kids in my class could read.


      2. 青少年

      Young people who are no longer children are sometimes referred to as kids .

      e.g. There were gangs of kids on motorbikes roaming around...


      e.g. That's a lot for a kid of 22 to cope with.


      3. 年幼的

      You can refer to your younger brother as your kid brother and your younger sister as your kid sister.

      e.g. My kid sister woke up and started crying.


      4. 小山羊

      A kid is a young goat.

      5. 开玩笑

      If you are kidding, you are saying something that is not really true, as a joke.

      e.g. I'm not kidding, Frank. There's a cow out there, just standing around...


      e.g. I'm just kidding...


      6. 戏弄;逗惹

      If you kid someone, you tease them.

      e.g. He liked to kid Ingrid a lot...


      e.g. He used to kid me about being chubby.


      7. 欺骗;哄骗

      If people kid themselves, they allow themselves to believe something that is not true because they wish that it was true.

      e.g. We're kidding ourselves, Bill. We're not winning, we're not even doing well...


      e.g. I could kid myself that you did this for me, but it would be a lie.


      8. (强调所说的是真实的或是认真的)真的,不是开玩笑

      You can say 'No kidding' to emphasize that what you are saying is true, or that you mean it.

      e.g. I'm scared. No kidding, really.


      9. (表示感兴趣或惊讶)真的吗?

      You can say 'No kidding?' to show that you are interested or surprised when someone tells you something.

      e.g. 'We won.' — 'No kidding?'


      10. (表示认为某人所言极为荒唐或完全是假的)你一定是在开玩笑

      You can say 'you've got to be kidding' or 'you must be kidding' to someone if they have said something that you think is ridiculous or completely untrue.

      e.g. You've got to be kidding! I can't live here!...


      e.g. 'He's a mild inoffensive man isn't he? — Oh you've gotta be kidding.'


      11. (表示认为某人不够真诚或不相信某人所言)她骗谁啊?/他想骗谁啊?

      You can say 'who is she kidding?' or 'who is he trying to kid?' if you think it is obvious that someone is not being sincere and does not mean what they say.

      e.g. She played the role of a meek, innocent, shy girl. I don't know who she was trying to kid...


      e.g. 'Maybe tomorrow will be better,' I said, hanging up. 'Who am I kidding?' I told Wolfe. 'Tomorrow will be more of the same.'


kid 单语例句

      1. You're buying a Nintendo Wii off eBay for $ 500 for your kid?

      2. Then there was one video the new Rockets boss watched like a kid with his nose pressed against a candy store window.

      3. After a sweaty health club workout, don't kid yourself that the candy bar in your gym bag is health food.

      4. An urban kid's typical activity list is jammed with piano or English lessons, or some other special class.

      5. Her relatives, friends and school teachers described Chapman as a very sharp and determined kid.

      6. Uribe was a chubby kid, weighing more than 250 pounds as an adolescent.

      7. He might have come close to dropping tennis altogether as a kid, when he also was honing his diamond skills.

      8. A recent report that a once popular genius kid has become a monk is stirring controversy across the country.

      9. " He is a hard worker and he's a very talented kid, " Phelps said of Cos.

      10. When I was a kid, most of the advice that my dad gave me was crap.

      kid的翻译kid 英英释义


      1. young goat

      2. a young person of either sex

      e.g. she writes books for children

      they're just kids

      `tiddler' is a British term for youngster

      Synonym: childyoungsterminorshavernippersmall frytiddlertiketykefrynestling

      3. a human offspring (son or daughter) of any age

      e.g. they had three children

      they were able to send their kids to college

      Synonym: child

      4. soft smooth leather from the hide of a young goat

      e.g. kid gloves

      Synonym: kidskin


      1. tell false information to for fun

      e.g. Are you pulling my leg?

      Synonym: pull the leg of

      2. be silly or tease one another

      e.g. After we relaxed, we just kidded around

      Synonym: chaffjollyjoshbanter