

      [英 [ədˈmɪt] 美 [ædˈmɪt] ]


      过去式:admitted;   过去分词:admitted;   现在分词:admitting;

admit 基本解释

      及物/不及物动词许可进入; 承认,供认

      及物动词允许; 确认

      不及物动词承认; 允许

admit 相关例句


      1. The auditorium admits 5.000 persons.


      2. The cinema admits about 2000 people.


      3. The theater admits 1000 people.



      1. This key admits to the garden.



      2. I must admit to feeling ashamed of my conduct.


admit 网络解释

      1. 公开承认:Bob同意(agree)公开承认(admit)自己错了,而非暗示(suggest)也没有了其它解释(explain)了. Bob与Pat开始行动起来,共同一起分担(share)抚养孩子操作(operate)、完成(perform)家务的任务. realize意识到,仅仅是一种心理活动,

      2. admit的翻译

      2. 容许:admission 容许进入 | admit 容许 | admittance 接纳

admit 双语例句

      1. No matter what you would like to be or not to be, youmust admit that his decide was right.


      2. I ought to admit, it's abundance difficult dawn I concern it be to be.


      3. Actually, i met alot of difficulities in improving my translation and interpretation ability and i have to admit it's a long way to go for me now.


      4. admit的近义词

      4. That is big of you to admit you are a chucklehead.


      5. I admit that there's a certain lack of consistency.



      6. Sally: I have to admit that I have taken some paperclips home.


      7. It was none of their business, but they always persisted in asking until he had to blushingly admit that he had none.


      8. admit的近义词

      8. It was strictly none of their business, but they always persisted in asking until he had to blushingly admit that he had none.


      9. They start to realize the brutal truth of the war, but they do not want to admit it.


      10. Though I'd been chosen, I wasn't ready to admit it yet.


      11. When you come right down to it, you have to admit I'm correct.


      12. Some even dream of using natural gas to make hydrogen which would power fuel-cell cars, though advocates admit that these are still a long way off.


      13. I don't agree with some sentences showed above, but I admit that these movies have an effect in our lives, such as Forrest Gump, form which we can benifit when we are suffering something that is not good for us.

      看了这些我想起人鬼情未了。那些很感人很纯粹的感情。You jump I jump当年风靡好久

      14. There are four characters that can be found in this process. Firstly, it is a struggle within the political system. In other words, tenants admit the hierarchical rights of ruling class, but reject excess exploit. Secondly, the resistance has various ways, and law is a frequent resort too. Thirdly, collective resistance comes to be the most common form, wealthy peasants always act as organizers and leaders. Fourthly, tenants` resistance processes exhibits obvious different theme of demands in all phrases. Before mid and latter of 14 century, most requirements aim to reject duty beyond custom; while after, mainly to strive for cutting down the rents and tallage.


      15. Before listening to this, I have to admit I was not aware of the music of the Transmitters.


      16. Besides Admin5(pr=5) and fogyism (Pr=5), who can admit us again?


      17. admit

      17. Rod: Well, I have to admit I have a soft spot for the rolling stones. I was at altamont speedway in'69. I actually saw that guy get stabbed. Can't get that image out of my noggin to this day.


      18. We must admit that the overwhelming volume of indisputable circumstantial evi dence far outweighed the presumption of innocence.


      19. You have to admit that these sketches are true to life.


      20. They don`t want to admit they have no ability to actually pay off the debt they`ve incurred by pursuing a flamboyoant lifestyle, blowing wads of cash on high-priced wines, luxury vehicles, and an occassional line of coke — they desperately want to imagine they can keep living on money that appears from nowhere, regardless of how much they owe to everybody else and the fact that their incomes don`t even come close to matching their expenditures.


admit 词典解释

      1. (常指不情愿地)承认,供认

      If you admit that something bad, unpleasant, or embarrassing is true, you agree, often unwillingly, that it is true.

      e.g. I am willing to admit that I do make mistakes...


      e.g. Up to two thirds of 14 to 16 year olds admit to buying drink illegally...


      2. 接受(入院);收治

      If someone is admitted to hospital, they are taken into hospital for treatment and kept there until they are well enough to go home.

      e.g. She was admitted to hospital with a soaring temperature...


      e.g. He was admitted yesterday for treatment of blood clots in his lungs.


      3. 准许…加入;接纳;招收

      If someone is admitted to an organization or group, they are allowed to join it.


      e.g. He was admitted to the Academie Culinaire de France...


      e.g. The Parachute Regiment could be forced to admit women.


      4. 准许…进入

      To admit someone to a place means to allow them to enter it.

      e.g. Embassy security personnel refused to admit him or his wife...


      e.g. Journalists are rarely admitted to the region.


admit 单语例句admit的翻译

      1. He will be the first to admit that the calamity in his personal life is no one's fault but his own.

      2. As the government officials concerned were candid enough to admit, the purchase and promotion of this type of screening software is a " tentative " effort.

      3. He is quick to admit that it is a challenge coming up with something new and captivating every Christmas.

      4. She is livid with Kris for dragging this out, but she won't cave in to his demands that she admit the marriage was fraudulent.

      5. Many governments prefer to report outbreaks under the heading of acute watery diarrheal diseases rather than admit the existence of cholera in their country.

      6. I must admit to struggling a little bit with the texture, which is rather too chewy for my liking.

      7. Its military leaders openly admit that they want to build bigger, better warships for missions far away from the country's coastal waters.

      8. The ROK's Unification Ministry said Tuesday the recently released worker was forced to admit to some false allegations during " coercive " questioning in the DPRK.

      9. Wang called the local industry and commerce department when the restaurant refused to admit it had given him short weight.

      10. Even Danish food is possible to find, although I have to admit it is not Denmark's greatest export commodity.

admit 英英释义


      1. declare to be true or admit the existence or reality or truth of

      e.g. He admitted his errors

      She acknowledged that she might have forgotten

      Synonym: acknowledge

      2. admit into a group or community

      e.g. accept students for graduate study

      We'll have to vote on whether or not to admit a new member

      Synonym: accepttaketake on

      3. allow participation in or the right to be part of

      permit to exercise the rights, functions, and responsibilities of

      e.g. admit someone to the profession

      She was admitted to the New Jersey Bar

      Synonym: let ininclude

      4. allow to enter

      grant entry to

      e.g. We cannot admit non-members into our club building

      This pipe admits air

      Synonym: allow inlet inintromit

      5. serve as a means of entrance

      e.g. This ticket will admit one adult to the show

      6. have room for

      hold without crowding

      e.g. This hotel can accommodate 250 guests

      The theater admits 300 people

      The auditorium can't hold more than 500 people

      Synonym: accommodatehold

      7. give access or entrance to

      e.g. The French doors admit onto the yard

      8. afford possibility

      e.g. This problem admits of no solution

      This short story allows of several different interpretations

      Synonym: allow