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过去式called 过去式called 过去式calling 过去式calls 

1 . Listen here, young lady. Don't you callme that!



2 . Melanie promised that she would callthem in the morning.



3 . They callrowing the perfect sport. It exercises every major muscle group.



4 . President Najibullah said he would calla grand council of all Afghans.



5 . Check us in at the hotel and wait for my call.




call back

1 . 召回:通知需要(某人)从现状或位置返回到先前的状况或位置

call down

2 . 挑剔:找麻烦;斥责

call for

3 . 去拿:出现在他人房舍内以图有所得

call forth

4 . 唤起;振奋

call in

5 . 回收:使退出流通

call off

6 . 取消:取消或延期

call out

7 . 召集:使集中;召唤

call up

8 . 征召:召集服兵役

call upon

9 . 命令;要求

at call

10 . 同 on call (义项2)

call attention to

11 . 引起人们注意

call someone's bluff1. he is seeking to call attention to himself by his crimes.他想用犯罪的方法来使自己受到关注。call collect

12 . (北美)打由受话人付款的电话

call something into play

13 . 使(或要求)…开始运作,启用

call something into (或 in) question

14 . 怀疑

call it a day1. these findings call into question the legitimacy of the proceedings.这些调查结果使该做法的合法性受到置疑。call someone names1. these findings call into question the legitimacy of the proceedings.这些调查结果使该做法的合法性受到置疑。call of nature1. these findings call into question the legitimacy of the proceedings.这些调查结果使该做法的合法性受到置疑。call the shots (或 tune)

15 . 指挥,操纵,做决定

call someone to accountcall someone/thing to mind

16 . (尤指通过类似性)使想起

call someone/thing to order

17 . 要求…安静

don't call us, we'll call you

18 . (非正式)请勿来电,我们会通知你(用来拒绝面试或求职失败者)

good call (或 bad call)

19 . (非正式)[用于表示对决定或建议的赞成或批评]中,行(或不中、不行)

to call one's own

20 . 称…为自己所有

call something forth

21 . 引起反应

call someone/thing down

22 . 使…出现,引发

call someone in

23 . 谋求帮助(或服务)

call something in

24 . 要求付清贷款(或所允诺的钱)

call someone/thing off

25 . 命令(人,狗)停止攻击

call something off

26 . 取消

call on

27 . 拜访

call someone out

28 . (尤指为处理紧急事件或做修理而)召唤某人

call something over

29 . (旧)点名

call someone up

30 . (非正式)给…打电话

call something up

31 . 征用


call a spade a spade

1 . 直言:直截地、精确地且直率地说

call in question 或 call into question

2 . 质疑:对…提出疑问

call it a day【非正式用语】

3 . 到此为止:对这一天的剩余时间或至少是现在,停止正在做的一切事情

call it quits【非正式用语】

4 . 退出:停止工作或尝试;退出

call names

5 . 骂人:用冒犯性的词语对他人说话或谈论他人

call (someone's) bluff

6 . 接受挑战:接受他人挑战以示力量与自信

call the shots 或 call the tune 【非正式用语】

7 . 掌管:行使权力;负责,掌管

on call

8 . 随叫随到:需要服务或使用时一叫即到

within call

9 . 随时可回身边待命:挨得很近,可以一叫就到

late Old English ceallian, from Old Norse kallasummon loudly

1.a telephone connection;

she reported several anonymous calls

2.a loud utterance; often in protest or opposition;

the speaker was interrupted by loud cries from the rear of the audience

3.a demand especially in the phrase "the call of duty"

4.the characteristic sound produced by a bird;

a bird will not learn its song unless it hears it at an early age

5.a brief social visit;

senior professors' wives no longer make afternoon calls on newcomers

6.a demand by a broker that a customer deposit enough to bring his margin up to the minimum requirement

7.a demand for a show of hands in a card game;

after two raises there was a call

8.a request;

many calls for Christmas stories

9.an instruction that interrupts the program being executed;

Pascal performs calls by simply giving the name of the routine to be executed

10. brief visit in an official or professional capacity;

the pastor's visits to his parishioners

11. (sports) the decision made by an umpire or referee;

he was ejected for protesting the call

12. the option to buy a given stock (or stock index or commodity future) at a given price before a given date


1.assign a specified, proper name to;

They named their son David

2.get or try to get into communication (with someone) by telephone;

I tried to call you all night

3.ascribe a quality to or give a name of a common noun that reflects a quality;

He called me a bastard

4.order, request, or command to come;

She was called into the director's office

5.utter a sudden loud cry;

she cried with pain when the doctor inserted the needle

6.pay a brief visit;

The mayor likes to call on some of the prominent citizens

7.call a meeting; invite or command to meet;

The Wannsee Conference was called to discuss the `Final Solution'

8.order or request or give a command for;

The unions called a general strike for Sunday

9.order, summon, or request for a specific duty or activity, work, role;

He was already called 4 times for jury duty

10. indicate a decision in regard to;

call balls and strikes behind the plate

11. stop or postpone because of adverse conditions, such as bad weather;

call a football game

12. read aloud to check for omissions or absentees;

Call roll

13. send a message or attempt to reach someone by radio, phone, etc.; make a signal to in order to transmit a message;

Hawaii is calling!

14. declare in the capacity of an umpire or referee;

call a runner out

15. utter a characteristic note or cry;

bluejays called to one another

16. utter in a loud voice or announce;

He called my name

17. make a prediction about; tell in advance;

Call the outcome of an election

18. challenge (somebody) to make good on a statement; charge with or censure for an offense;

He deserves to be called on that

19. consider or regard as being;

I would not call her beautiful

20. demand payment of (a loan);

Call a loan

21. give the calls (to the dancers) for a square dance

22. greet, as with a prescribed form, title, or name;

He always addresses me with `Sir'

23. make a stop in a harbour;

The ship will call in Honolulu tomorrow

24. make a demand, as for a card or a suit or a show of hands;

He called his trump

25. require the presentation of for redemption before maturation;

Call a bond

26. lure by imitating the characteristic call of an animal;

Call ducks

27. challenge the sincerity or truthfulness of;

call the speaker on a question of fact

28. rouse somebody from sleep with a call;

I was called at 5 A.M. this morning



2. 裁判员报分





2. 在通信中用户请求接续并得到响应。


1 . 呼叫


2 . 打电话


3 . 打电话给

paper 纸call 叫喊,打电话给may 可以

4 . 调用

... 通俗的讲,Web服务器传送,serves,页面使浏览器可以浏览,然而应用程序服务器提供的是客户端应用程序可以调用,call,的方法,methods,确切一点,你可以说,Web服务器专门处理HTTP请求(req.

+what they called call

1 . 他们所谓

North Korean officials have most mostly refused to sit across thetable for from what they called call South Korean cheaters " traitors " for more than a year .近一年多来,大多数朝鲜官员反对坐下来与他们所谓的韩国“叛国者”谈判。

+calls and calls

1 . 电话及

Telepone charges of international calls and calls to Hong Kong , macao and Taiwan will be marked down by 30 % .国际电话及港、澳、台电话收费标准降低30%。

+call call call baby call my name

1 . 我柔软的腰身

call call call baby call my name ., 我柔软的腰身.

+calls )

1 . 案要求

the Xinhua news agency said it caused ( calls ) for stranger controls over producers , greater responsibilities for government and more serious punishment for illegal activities .新华社报道此项提案要求更严格地监控生产商,加强政府责任感,更严厉地惩罚违法行为。

1.She'll never try to trick you, she always calls her shots.


2.Nothing ever happens as Tom says it will. He is very poor at calling his shots.



REMOTE CALL CALL通常指REMOTE CALL、游戏CALL,指一种注入外部EXE程序从外部调用函数的技术。 找CALL一般使用OD等工具,而CALL的使用一般需要编写复杂的汇编代码,在快手(AAuto Quicker) 中推出了一种通用CALL技术,可以象声明WIN API一样声明CALL.下面是一个简单的示例: //外部CALL读取命令行 //列出所有已运行进程的命令行参数 import winex; io.open() //遍历所有窗口 for hwnd,title,theadId,processId in winex.each( ) {