



      过去式:encircled   过去式:encircled   过去式:encircling   过去式:encircles  


      1 . We should encircle the enemy forces completely and let none escape from the net.



      2 . And it takes quite a few people to encircle its massive trunk . "

      说着他伸出两臂,做个 搂抱 的姿式.

      来自汉英文学 - 现代散文

      3 . It takes the earth one year to encircle the sun.



      4 . A similar system is used to contact the communications satellites that now continually encircle the earth.



      5 . A belief in God, and trust in his providence, began to encircle his heart.

      皈依上帝, 信赖上天的保佑这种念头开始萦绕在他心头.
